Will there be a Vienna New Year concert?

The 2021 Vienna Philharmonic New Year’s Concert takes place on January 1, 2021, under the baton of Riccardo Muti in the Golden Hall of the Musikverein in Vienna.

Where can I watch the Vienna Philharmonic New Year’s concert 2020?

The broadcast streams Saturday, January 2 on pbs.org/gperf and the PBS Video app. This year’s telecast marks the 37th broadcast of the event on PBS.

How much does it cost to attend the New Year’s concert in Vienna?

The ticket prices range between 35 € and 1200 € for the New Year’s Concert, 25 € and 860 € for the New Year’s Eve Concert, and 20 € and 495 € for the Preview Performance. The program is the same for all three concerts.

Where can I watch the New Year concert in Vienna?

The concert at the Musikverein Large Hall is also broadcast on BBC Radio 3.

What time is Vienna New Year’s concert 2021?

December 31, 2021 – the New Year’s Eve Concert (7.30pm)

How long is the Vienna New Year Concert?

around two and a half hours
The complete duration of the event is around two and a half hours.

How can I watch the Vienna concert in 2021?

Premieres Friday, August 27 at 9 p.m. on PBS, pbs.org/gperf and the PBS Video app. Enjoy the Vienna Philharmonic’s annual summer night concert with pianist Igor Levit under the direction of guest conductor Daniel Harding at Austria’s Schönbrunn Palace.

How can I watch the 2021 New Years concert in Vienna?

Online streams and TV broadcasts are available in several countries, including:

  1. AUSTRIA: Live stream at 11:15 a.m. (CET) on ORF.
  2. CANADA: Online stream 01/01/21 through WNED.
  3. CZECH REPUBLIC: Live broadcast at 11:15 a.m. (CET) on CT2.
  4. CHINA: Online stream 01/01/21 at 6 p.m. (CST) on CCTV 15.

How many people watch the Vienna New Year concert?

This year’s Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra New Year’s Concert reached 55 million people with an average audience of 22 million viewers making it the best audience on record (since 2012).

How do I get Vienna Philharmonic tickets?

With many performances tickets do become available one week before the concert. You can buy them directly via telephone under 0043 (1) 505 65 25 or in the Bureau of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra on Kärntner Ring 12, A-1010 Vienna. Access concert schedules for subscription concerts and soirees.

When is the Vienna Philharmonic New Year concert?

The 2021 Vienna Philharmonic New Year’s Concert takes place on January 1, 2021, under the baton of Riccardo Muti in the Golden Hall of the Musikverein in Vienna.

When is the Austrian New Year’s concert in 2021?

The 2021 New Year’s Concert will take place without an audience. Due to ongoing high rates of infection, the Austrian Federal Government has decided that no concerts may be performed before audiences until January 6, 2021.

What was the program for the Vienna Philharmonic?

The New Year’s Concert by the Vienna Philharmonic combines the best of the best: The cheerfully lively, but also somewhat reflective program of music with compositions by the Strauss dynasty and its contemporaries, ensures a good start to the still young year.

When does the New Year’s concert take place?

The 2021 New Year’s Concert will be broadcast in over 90 countries and followed by millions of television viewers around the world. The 2021 New Year’s Concert will take place without an audience.