Why will my leopard gecko only eat wax worms?

Leopard gecko only eats wax worms – why and what to do? Your leopard gecko might become addicted to wax worms if you start feeding them too often or too early. The thing is, wax worms are very fatty and taste good – making your leopard gecko addicted and a picky eater.

Can leopard gecko live off wax worms?

The best insects to feed your Leopard Gecko are crickets and mealworms. However, you can also feed him waxworms, butterworms, silkworms, tomato hornworms, beetles, sow bugs and cockroaches. Waxworms and superworms should be fed as a treat as they’re high in fat.

How often should leopard geckos have wax worms?

3 times a week
When using supplements such as waxworms, or Calciworms® Leopard Geckos should be fed 3 to 5 worms 3 times a week. Waxworms are intended to be used to add fat to a geckos diet or the occasional treat, Leopard Geckos will quickly become spoiled on waxworms and may refuse other foods so use them sparingly.

What age can leopard geckos eat wax worms?

At What Age Can Baby Leopard Geckos Start Eating Waxworms? With baby Leopard Geckos, stick to a mix of mealworms and crickets until they are older than 9 months old. Once they have passed the 9-month mark, feel free to start introducing your Leo to waxworms, but be warned.

How often feed wax worms?

Waxworms are high in fat content and should be offered as a snack a few times a week. They are also excellent feeders for malnourished pets.

Do wax worms need water?

Waxworms typically get all the water they need from honey. Adding a small amount of liquid glycerin to their food helps keep it from drying out too fast.

Do wax worms move?

They all appear dead, nothings moving, they’re still holding onto whatever they were on when disaster struck. they’re at different stages of development or at least they are all different sizes. They all look healthy they just aren’t moving!

Are wax worms bad?

very bad. they cause fatty liver disease that will kill them. waxworms should be fed rarely, if ever as a treat.

Can I feed my gecko only wax worms?

Wax worms are VERY fatty, which is why leopard geckos love them so much. For this reason, wax worms should only be fed to leopard geckos as an occasional treat, because leopard geckos have been known to become addicted to waxworms, and then refuse all other foods.

How long do wax worms live?

about 1-3 weeks
They live for about 1-3 weeks, during which time they mate and lay eggs. The wax moth is found in most of the world, including Europe, North America, Turkey, Russia, and Australia, where it is an introduced species. It lives in and around beehives.

Can you gut load wax worms?

As for the gutloading of Waxies, I believe it is not necessary, due to their life cycle. They are able to go without eating for extensive periods of time, if kept at lower temperatures (in which they are still able to survive). However, if you wish to feed them – Grain, Bran & Honey are your best bets.

How do you keep wax worms alive longer?

Storage. Waxworms should be kept at a constant cool temperature (55-60°); this will keep them dormant and ensure that they last several weeks. Most refrigerators are too cold to store them in, but the refrigerator door or a wine cooler is a little warmer and will usually work fine.

Is it bad for leopard gecko to eat wax worms?

Waxworms are nutritionally quite useless, the are extremely fatty and simply lack the vital vitamins and minerals your Leopard Gecko needs to be healthy. Having a waxworms once in a while isn’t bad for your gecko, but too many can affect their health.

What kind of food can a leopard gecko eat?

Leopard geckos are insectivores, this means they live solely off insects and cannot eat vegetables or fruits. The most common diet for a gecko lizard consists of mealworms, crickets, and silkworms. However, their favorite food is one you should possibly reconsider before spoiling your gecko with: Waxworms.

How big of an insect do leopard geckos need?

Teenage Leopard Geckos need insects that are about 1/4 th of an inch in size, whereas adult geckos need food the size of an adult cricket. It is also important to feed your Leopard Gecko either late in the day or early in the evening.