Why the Pazzi Chapel is not by Brunelleschi?

Until now, no one has offered the most logical explanation of all: that the building did not fit into Brunelleschi’s work because it was not his. To attribute the Pazzi Chapel to Michelozzo is hardly to diminish it. It is simply to see it in a different light, as one of the finest derivative works of the Renaissance.

Who constructed the Pazzi Chapel?

About 1429 another wealthy and influential Florentine family, the Pazzi, commissioned Brunelleschi to design a chapel adjacent to the monastic Church of Santa Croce that was intended to be a chapter house (a place of assembly for monks to conduct business).

What was the Pazzi Chapel based on?

the Dominican monastery of Santa Maria Novella
The main inspiration for this piece was the Dominican monastery of Santa Maria Novella, also located in Florence. The main purpose of the building was the cathedral chapter house (meeting room for the governing chapter) and use as a classroom for the teaching of monks and other religious purposes.

What is the function of the Pazzi Chapel?

Pazzi Chapel/Function

What does being a Pazzi mean?

Pazzi. The Pazzi were a noble Florentine family in the Middle Ages. Their main trade during the fifteenth century was banking. In the aftermath of the Pazzi conspiracy in 1478, members of the family were banished from Florence and their property was confiscated; anyone named Pazzi had to take a new name.

How do you identify Renaissance architecture?

The Renaissance style deliberately eschewed the complex proportional systems and irregular profiles of Gothic structures. Instead, Renaissance architects placed emphasis on symmetry, proportion, geometry, and regularity of parts as demonstrated in classical Roman architecture.

How did Brunelleschi use pietra serena in the interior of his design of the Pazzi Chapel?

The architectural elements of the interior are defined clearly by the use of pietra serena. Also, the dome allows the light to filter through the windows that are positioned along its perimeter, which gives the space measure and elegance. Brunelleschi designed the ones that are placed at the 4 sides of the dome.

What are the roundels in the Pazzi Chapel made of?

each roundel is made of clay and is glazed (glazing had just been discovered!) and represents the four Evangelists.

What was the outcome of the Pazzi conspiracy?

Pazzi conspiracy, (April 26, 1478), unsuccessful plot to overthrow the Medici rulers of Florence; the most dramatic of all political opposition to the Medici family.

Where did the term Pazzi come from?

Perhaps by coincidence, the Italian noun for a hot-headed fool is pazzo – and some have suggested that the Italian-American slang, patsy, meaning a scapegoat or stooge, is derived from the unfortunate Pazzi assassins.

How did humanism affect architecture?

Humanism changed the way people thought, and that was a major reason why architecture began to change. Because people thought that they were of central importance, they began to commission architects for their own use. Also, humanism caused people to change their view about what buildings were built for.

How did architecture affect the Renaissance?

What did Filippo Brunelleschi do for a living?

Filippo Brunelleschi was among the designers who spent their time in Rome learning about ancient buildings; the Pantheon became Brunelleschi’s style. When planning the dome of the Cathedral in Florence, he reproduced its design and used the classical forms he had admired in the City of Rome in the works that he did.

Which is the most distinctive feature of Brunelleschi’s style?

Geometric clarity came to be the most distinctive feature of Brunelleschi’s style and the interior of the Pazzi Chapel is an example of a perfectly executed harmonic proportion. When entering the Pazzi Chapel, the first thing that people will notice is how perfectly as well as rationally organised the chapel is.

Who was the architect of the Pazzi Chapel?

Pazzi Chapel was designed and built by Filippo Brunelleschi as a perfect space that has harmonious proportions. He achieved that by including in this project the knowledge that he gained while he was staying in Rome when he was primarily focusing on measuring ancient buildings.

Where are the roundels in the Pazzi Chapel?

There are roundels, which are common Renaissance decorative motifs, above the pilasters located in the transept. Below them, there are tall, blank, panels that are round-headed. The interior architectural elements are all in serene stone (pietra serena).