Why reversible process is more efficient?

Reversible processes produce the maximum amount of work If a process does work on the surroundings, you get more work out of the process if it is done slowly. This is because less heat is lost to the surroundings. So a reversible process (infinitely slow) does the maximum work.

What is reversible efficiency?

Every reversible heat engine operating between the same two temperature reservoirs have identical efficiency. This means no matter how a reversible heat engine is constructed or what the working fluid is, its efficiency is the same as all other heat engines working from the same two temperatures.

Is a reversible process 100% efficient?

You are probably aware that in the Carnot reversible isothermal expansion the heat provided by the high temperature reservoir equals the work done in the expansion. That process converts heat to work at 100% efficiency.

How do you calculate the efficiency of a reversible engine?

W=QH−QC=(1−TCTH)QH. efficiency =WQH=1−TCTH. These temperatures are of course in degrees Kelvin, so for example the efficiency of a Carnot engine having a hot reservoir of boiling water and a cold reservoir ice cold water will be 1−(273/373)=0.27, just over a quarter of the heat energy is transformed into useful work.

Why is reversible work less than irreversible?

The key feature why the irreversible work is smaller than the reversible work is the magnitude of the external pressure against which the irreversible work is done against. If you were to increase the external pressure by a factor of two then the irreversible work would be greater.

Which process is more efficient reversible or irreversible?

The efficiency of an irreversible heat engine is always less than the efficiency of a reversible one operating between same two thermal reservoirs. 2. The efficiencies of all reversible heat engines operating between the same two thermal reservoirs are the same.

Which of the following is reversible process?

Isothermal compression is reversible, for example, Carnot cycle, heat engine.

What is reversible cycle?

In a reversible cycle, a cyclical reversible process, the system and its surroundings will be returned to their original states if one half cycle is followed by the other half cycle.

Why is reversible work greater than irreversible?

The reason why more work is done in a reversible process than an irreversible process is in an irreversible process entropy is generated within the gas whereas in a reversible process entropy is not generated.

Can we consider heat engine 100 efficient Why?

It is impossible for heat engines to achieve 100% thermal efficiency () according to the Second law of thermodynamics. This is impossible because some waste heat is always produced produced in a heat engine, shown in Figure 1 by the term.

Why efficiency of reversible engine is maximum?

The engine, in which the process can be retraced at any stage of its operation by reversing the boundary conditions, is called a reversible heat engine. Its efficiency is maximum, as no dissipation of energy takes place against friction, etc in such a heat engine.

Do all reversible cycles have same efficiency?

Correct Option a All reversible cycles have same efficiencyExplanation:Efficiency of all reversible cycles depends upon temperature of source and sink which will be different. Rest of the statements are correct.