Why is Yokoten needed?

In risk management practices, the identified risks and the corresponding abatement actions provide an immense learning opportunity among projects. Hence, achieving yokoten for risk management is essential for knowledge sharing among projects.

How do you implement Yokoten?

Where does Yokoten Happen within the Problem Solving Cycle?

  1. Clarify the problem.
  2. Break down the problem.
  3. Set a target.
  4. Analyze the root cause.
  5. Develop countermeasures.
  6. See countermeasures through.
  7. Evaluate both results and process.
  8. Standardize successes, learn from failures.

What is Lean gemba?

Gemba (also written as genba) is a Japanese word meaning “the actual place.” In lean practices, the gemba refers to “the place where value is created,” such as the shop floor in manufacturing, the operating room in a hospital, the job site on a construction project, the kitchen of a restaurant, and the workstation of a …

What are the 7 types of Muda?

There are 7 types of muda commonly identified in lean manufacturing: Overproduction. Waiting. Transportation….

  • Overproduction.
  • Waiting.
  • Transportation.
  • Overprocessing.
  • Movement.
  • Inventory.
  • Making Defective Parts.
  • Unused Skills and Knowledge.

What is Jidoka in Toyota?

The Toyota Production System (TPS) was established based on two concepts: “jidoka” (which can be loosely translated as “automation with a human touch”), as when a problem occurs, the equipment stops immediately, preventing defective products from being produced; and the “Just-in-Time” concept, in which each process …

How does Kaizen use Gemba?

In Kaizen, the phrase “Go to Gemba first” is actually often used. Gemba and Gemba walks are tools for managers and supervisors to go to where the action is or where the process is completed. This can be a workbench, a sales meeting, a cubicle, or talking with frontline workers.

What do you mean by yokoten in Kaizen?

Yokoten encourages sharing of data across the organization’ It is one of the winning behaviors of Toyota, namely copying and improving on kaizen idea that works. Toyota calls this yokoten since it’s more precise than “copy” or “horizontal deployment” or “sideways expansion”.

Why is yokoten important in a lean culture?

YOKOTEN. Yokoten is a essential part of long-term success in a lean culture, but can also have a big impact on short-term results. Yokoten is a success multiplier. Perform a good kaizen, and then copy (adopt) the results, learn from it & adopt it wherever applicable, and you immediately duplicate or multiply the impact. The same is true of lean.

What does it mean to do yokoten at Toyota?

At Toyota today the expectation is that kaizen is not complete until yokoten is confirmed and the learning is shared with others. Yokoten is part of the culture. It may not be too strong to say that it is a job requirement. Kaizen must result in a standard, and yokoten means standards must be copied by others.

How is yokoten from one business unit to another?

Yokoten from one business unit to another is a key to success, especially in global firm. This was not easy and required more than simply translating procedure books and checklists. Just as Toyota has learned, it is not enough to copy the result of good kaizen, we must also copy the thinking that resulted in the good kaizen.