Why is it called mattress stitch?

The vertical mattress stitch, often called vertical Donati stitch (named after the Italian surgeon Mario Donati), is a suture type used to close skin wounds.

What is a Subcuticular suture used for?

Subcuticular sutures are commonly used for surgical wound closure. We have found that knots and free ends can protrude through the skin, leading to minor wound infections. We have devised a simple, reliable technique to avoid these problems.

When do you use mattress sutures?

The horizontal mattress suture is useful for wounds under high tension because it provides strength and wound eversion. This suture may also be used as a stay stitch for temporary approximation of wound edges, allowing placement of simple interrupted or subcuticular stitches.

Where is vertical mattress suture used?

Vertical mattress sutures are particularly useful in wounds under tension. They also help to evert wound edges in situations where the skin is prone to naturally inverting into the wound. The vertical mattress stitch has one deep throw and one superficial throw (directly above and parallel) to evert the skin edges.

What is a Halsted suture?

The Halsted suture can be performed both as an interrupted and running inverting suture, which is placed through the subcutaneous fascia and runs parallel to the wound. This creates an inverted edge formation and the ends are tied together. Practically, it is a modification of the Lembert suture (bkz.

What is meant by mattress stitch?

The Mattress Stitch is a finishing technique for vertical seaming. It creates an invisible join between pieces worked in stockinette stitch or ribbing, perfect for so many things, such as sewing the front and back of a sweater together.

What is Subcuticular suturing?

Performing a subcuticular suture. This technique generally follows dermal suturing to complete a layered closure. It is often performed with an absorbable suture, however, non-absorbable material can be used and removed once the wound has reached an adequate strength.

What is Subcuticular?

Medical Definition of subcuticular : situated or occurring beneath a cuticle subcuticular sutures subcuticular tissues.