Why is it called a honey super?

Supers. Super is short for superstructure, which refers to the boxes added to a beehive for the bees to store honey. In the past, a super was always a medium or shallow box, but now it can refer to any box that is added to a hive, hence its name which means “above” in Latin.

When should I put a honey super on?

The ideal time to add a super is during periods of natural population growth (typically, the spring), before or during a honey flow (spring or summer), or during periods of swarming (again, typically the spring). Before adding a super, beekeepers often use a standard rule of thumb, which is known as the 7/10 rule.

How much does a honey super cost?

Langstroth 10-Frame Component Cost/Unit

 Component High Low
Bottom board $21.50 $15.75
Deep (brood box) $19.95 $17.25
Medium (honey super) $19.00 $12.69
Inner cover $18.50 $11.50

When should I add a third honey super?

The rule of thumb for honey supering is that the bees should never be using all the comb available to them. When the super is one-half to two-thirds full, add another super. When the second super is half full and the first completely full, add a third super, etc.

What does super mean in beekeeping?

Super is short for superstructure, which refers to the boxes placed on a beehive for bees to store honey. Historically, a super was always a medium, 6 5/8-inch tall box, or a shallow 5 3/4-inch tall box. Both are traditionally referred to as supers, exclusive of the deep 9 5/8-inch box used on the bottom of the hive.

What is the difference between a hive body and a super?

The difference between a “brood box” and a “super” is brood boxes are used by the queen to lay eggs called brood for raising new bees. A “super” is the hive box used to store a bee’s honey called a “honey super”. Also, “super” is a common term used to describe the actual hive body or beehive box.

How long does it take for bees to fill a honey super?

How Long Does It Take Bees to Fill a Honey Super? A colony with a good population can fill a shallow super in 1 – 2 weeks. This is assuming that a strong nectar flow is on and the bees do not have to fly very far to collect it. Of course, it can happen much faster but that is an average.

Can you put a honey super on too early?

Other than that there is no negative effect with a super on earlier. Don’t mix foreign bees into a virgin hive. She might get balled 100% of the time!

How much do beekeepers charge for pollination?

Contract or handshake Hive rental fees typically range anywhere from a low of around $45, to a high of $200 per hive. Costs will vary based on the type of crop being pollinated, the number of hives needed, the distance that the beekeeper must travel, the price of fuel, and general honeybee availability.

How long do bees take to fill a super?

How Long Does It Take Bees to Fill a Honey Super? A colony with a good population can fill a shallow super in 1 – 2 weeks. This is assuming that a strong nectar flow is on and the bees do not have to fly very far to collect it.

What is super hive?

Super is short for superstructure, which refers to the boxes placed on a beehive for bees to store honey. Historically, a super was always a medium, 6 5/8-inch tall box, or a shallow 5 3/4-inch tall box. Both are traditionally referred to as supers, exclusive of the deep 9 5/8-inch box used on the bottom of the hive.

What do you mean by a honey super?

Honey super. A honey super is a part of a commercial or other managed (such as by a hobbyist) beehive that is used to collect honey.

Is there raw honey at Super Bee Honey?

Super Bee Honey has grown into more than a business, but a passion for the bees and the planet. 01. Our raw honey is available by the pint and gallon. 02. We are happy to offer wholesale honey.

What does a beehive Super do for bees?

Shallow A beehive super is like an extra fuel-tank for your honey bee colony. Supers stack on top of the hive and provide the honey bees with a place to store pollen and honey for the months without honey flow or pollen. The bees will eat their way up the hive body to the super and consume the stockpiled honey and pollen for survival.

How big is a honey Super Honey Hive?

A honey super is a part of a commercial or other managed (such as by a hobbyist) beehive that is used to collect honey. The most common variety is the Illinois or medium super with a depth of 6⅝ inches, in the length and width dimensions of a Langstroth hive.