Why does constructor have a return type?

So the reason the constructor doesn’t return a value is because it’s not called directly by your code, it’s called by the memory allocation and object initialization code in the runtime. Its return value (if it actually has one when compiled down to machine code) is opaque to the user – therefore, you can’t specify it.

Can a constructor return in Java?

A constructor can not return a value because a constructor implicitly returns the reference ID of an object, and since a constructor is also a method and a method can’t return more than one values.

Which return type can use with constructor?

Therefore, the return type of a constructor in Java and JVM is void.

What is return type of construction?

What is the return type of Constructors? Explanation: A constructor is a method that initializes an object immediately upon creation. It has the same name as that of class in which it resides.

What happens if constructor has a return type?

If we add a return type to a constructor, then it will become a method of the class. This is the way java runtime distinguish between a normal method and a constructor. It’s recommended to not have method name same as the class name because it creates confusion.

What would happen if a constructor has a return type?

Explanation: The constructor cannot have a return type. It should create and return new object. Hence it would give compilation error.

Can a constructor return?

No, constructor does not return any value. In general, Constructor is implicitly called at the time of instantiation. And it is not a method, its sole purpose is to initialize the instance variables.

Why doesn’t the constructor method have a return type?

Assignment operation resembles like a method, it is to be done just before an object is created. It is certain that the constructor can create the object of that class only. This agreement is unambiguous and crystal clear. Hence a constructor does not have return type.

Which type of constructor Cannot have return type?

A constructor cannot have a return type (not even a void return type). A common source of this error is a missing semicolon between the end of a class definition and the first constructor implementation. The compiler sees the class as a definition of the return type for the constructor function, and generates C2533.

What happens when a constructor has a return type in Java?

What is the return type of constructor answer?

No, constructor does not have any return type in Java. Constructor looks like method but it is not. It does not have a return type and its name is same as the class name. Mostly it is used to instantiate the instance variables of a class.

How does a constructor behave if the constructor has a return type?

Constructor must not have a return type. By definition, if a method has a return type, it’s not a constructor.

What are the different types of constructor in Java?

Types of Constructors Default constructor. If you do not implement any constructor in your class, Java compiler inserts a default constructor into your code on your behalf. no-arg constructor: Constructor with no arguments is known as no-arg constructor. Parameterized constructor.

Can the constructor have a return type?

Constructor looks like method but it is not. It does not have a return type and its name is same as the class name. Mostly it is used to instantiate the instance variables of a class. If the programmer doesn’t write a constructor the compiler writes a constructors on his behalf.

Does the Constructors return any value in Java?

In general, the java constructor doesn’t return any specific value, which can directly affect the code because it is not like a normal method used in the java code. Also, the fact that a constructor is not directly called by the java code infect is called by the memory allocation and object initialization code at runtime.

What is a constructor and method in Java?

Constructor is used to initialize an object whereas method is used to exhibits functionality of an object.

  • Constructors are invoked implicitly whereas methods are invoked explicitly.
  • Constructor does not return any value where the method may/may not return a value.
  • In case constructor is not present,a default constructor is provided by java compiler.