Why do I get dizzy from talking?

How does sound excite the inner ear balance organs causing them to send the wrong head-motion signals to the brain?” The effect can occur in just seconds if the right tone is played, and it can render the person dizzy for tens of seconds even after the tone has stopped.

Why do I feel light headed in the afternoon?

Lightheadedness is often caused by a lack of blood in the brain. It can happen when you stand up from sitting or from lying down, or if you are dehydrated. If you often feel lightheaded, while it’s probably nothing that is life-threatening, it can still affect your life.

Why do I feel dizzy all the time?

Conditions that affect blood flow through the body or general cardiovascular health, can create symptoms of dizziness. Common causes include anemia (decreased red blood cell numbers), hormonal changes (as with menstrual cycles and menopause), atherosclerosis, blood clots, and dehydration.

What causes dizziness in the middle of the ear?

Many cases of dizziness are caused by problems that affect the balance mechanism in your inner ear. Examples include: Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) Ear infection (middle ear) Meniere’s disease. Migraine.

Are there any medications that can cause dizziness?

Medications. Dizziness can be a side effect of certain medications — such as anti-seizure drugs, antidepressants, sedatives and tranquilizers. In particular, blood pressure lowering medications may cause faintness if they lower your blood pressure too much.

What makes an older person more prone to dizziness?

Factors that may increase your risk of getting dizzy include: Age. Older adults are more likely to have medical conditions that cause dizziness, especially a sense of imbalance. They’re also more likely to take medications that can cause dizziness. A past episode of dizziness.