Why did they change the FSU logo?

Florida State athletics cited several reasons for the logo change, including seeing a steady decline in the use of the Seminole Head on apparel as well as being able to better reproduce the logo in all media (specifically, the old logo was difficult to embroider on some materials).

Is FSU changing their logo?

It was reported Wednesday that Florida State was altering its Seminoles logo, the university has released a statement on the forthcoming changes to one of college football’s most recognizable logos. Florida State said in the statement Nike helped recreate the logo.

Who is the FSU logo?

Since 1978 the teams have been represented by the symbols Osceola and Renegade. The symbol represents an actual historical figure, Seminole war leader Osceola, whose clothing represents appropriate period dress. The athletic logo, in use since the early 1970s, shows a profile of a shouting Seminole warrior in circle.

Is FSU trademarked?

The marks of Florida State University are controlled under a licensing program administered by the Collegiate Licensing Company. Any use of these marks will require written approval from the Collegiate Licensing Company.

When did FSU change its logo?

Florida State switched logos to a more streamlined, but similar-looking Seminole logo in 2014. The new logo was designed by Nike and replaced the school’s longtime, old-school looking design, and with it came a uniform change, as well.

Who designed the FSU logo?

John Roberge
The current Seminole logo was designed in 1971 by John Roberge, an artist who then worked for FSU’s office services department. He would go on to spend 21 years as the artist for the Democrat, before retiring in 2008. Roberge, 68, didn’t earn a dime other than his regular paycheck for drawing the logo.

What year did FSU change their logo?

Florida State switched logos to a more streamlined, but similar-looking Seminole logo in 2014. The new logo was designed by Nike and replaced the school’s longtime, old-school looking design, and with it came a uniform change, as well.

What are FSU colors?

Florida State University/Colors

What year did FSU change logo?

Current seal emblem Although the Florida State University logo has undergone a modification in 2009, the main symbols remained where they were. The outer ring grew thinner in order to create a softer-edge transition, while the type was replaced by the Adobe Garamond font. Also, the color palette was altered.

What is the motto of Florida?

In God We Trust

“In God We Trust” was adopted by the Florida legislature as part of the state seal in 1868. This is also the motto of the United States and is a slight variation on Florida’s first state motto, “In God is our Trust.” In 2006, “In God We Trust” was officially designated in state statute as Florida’s motto.