Why did Takis get banned?

Hot Cheetos and Takis burned up the snack world in 2012, with schools in several states banning the foods as unhealthy and disruptive while confiscating them on site. That sparked a black market at some schools, with Takis becoming an underground currency.

Can Takis put u in the hospital?

But now doctors say there’s another reason spicy junk food should be avoided: It can result in a trip to the emergency room. Emergency room doctors said they were seeing kids and some adults coming into the ER with gastritis, an inflamed stomach lining, or other stomach ailments after eating bags of spicy snack foods.

Who started Takis?

Takis is said to be invented by a person named Morgan Sanchez, though little information about this person and how exactly did they invent Takis could be found. It does appear that Takis was invented in the year 1999 in Mexico, before being introduced into the United States in the year 2006.

Has someone died from eating Hot Cheetos?

Don’t worry, beyond the fact that they’re a salty and nutritionless snack, Flamin’ Hot Cheetos really won’t kill you. In a surprisingly relaxed post to Instagram, Soundcloud rapper Lil Xan explained to fans that he’d recently gotten out of the hospital due to a tear in his stomach.

Are Cheetos flammable?

Cheetos may save your life There is so much oil and fat in a Cheeto, that it’s actually flammable. So instead of lugging firewood on your next camping trip, just bring a bag of Cheetos to keep you warm. Next, check out 11 things you may not have known about a notably less-flammable snack: Doritos.

Why you should not eat Takis?

Takis are high in sodium. Consuming high amounts of sodium may increase your blood pressure levels and has been associated with a higher risk of stomach cancer.

Can Takis burn a hole in your stomach?

Just a small bag of Takis has 24 grams of fat and over twelve hundred milligrams of sodium. “This is a high fat, processed, full of spice, that it’s to such a level it actually, increases the acid in your stomach that can damage it,” adds Nandi. Dr.

What happened to the girl who ate Takis?

In a report published Thursday, the mother told the station in a report last week that her child “was eating big bags and would take them to school with her.” After downing the spicy chips, 17-year-old Rene felt sick to her stomach. A hospital trip later resulted in the gallbladder removal.