Who works well with Earthshaker?

Macropyre are the good setup while Earthshaker after blinking in and stay out of Echo Slam initiation radius. Blink Dagger.

How does Meepo counter Earthshaker?

Meepo cannot solo ember spirit or earthshaker, unless you are heavily outleveling them. You just have to understand that and rely on your team to bait out earthshaker’s abilities and/or silence him. Times like these it’s best to split push. To stop ES, shut him down in the early game.

Does Earthshaker counter PL?

A few days ago BSJ was casting/analyzing an FPL game and during the draft, one of the teams banned PL even though they already had shaker on their team.

How do you counter dazzle shallow grave?


  1. A well-timed. Global Silence prevents Dazzle from saving allies with Shallow Grave or Shadow Wave. Items that could dispel the silence are expensive, and difficult for Dazzle to farm from a support role.
  2. Arcane Curse and. Last Word cause long damage over time, which may outlast Shallow Grave.

What is the best Meepo counter?


  • Some of Meepo’s best counters focus on singling out a Meepo from his clones. Shallow Grave can save a low health Meepo clone when he is in a pickle.
  • Shadow Wave heals multiple Meepos at once, making him survive longer.
  • Bad Juju armor reduction helps with amplifying the attack damage of Meepo and his clones.

Is Meepo a strong hero?

This means that a well-played Meepo can gain experience faster than any other hero, capable of reaching maximum level extremely early into the game and overpowering his unsuspecting opponents; however, Meepo’s greatest strength is also his greatest weakness, as the death of any Meepo, including the clones, spells death …

What hero can counter Phantom Lancer?

Phantom LancerCounters

Hero Adv. Hero Win Rate
Templar Assassin 5.83% 58.73%
Wraith King 5.15% 50.66%
Chaos Knight 5.06% 53.63%
Ursa 4.90% 53.52%

Who is the earth spirit in black clover?

Four major elemental spirits exist within the Black Clover universe. Three of these have been revealed so far– Salamander the fire spirit, Sylph the wind spirit, and Undine the water spirit. The earth spirit is yet to be revealed. Many fans believe the earth spirit will likely be a Gnome.

How do I get better at Earth Spirit?

Earth Spirit needs a lot of time to recharge Remnants after a team fight. Keep high aggression when playing against an Earth Spirit. Magnetize deals some substantial amounts of hurt. Don’t stand next to your team if you’re Magnetized and they’re not.

When to counter and when to pick Earthshaker?

Learn how to counter and when to pick Earthshaker from our list of counters and matchups updated for the current meta.

What’s the best item to use against Earthshaker?

Orchid is another good item when you play against an Earthshaker. Even if he stuns the crap out of you, a Furion or a Storm can jump to the fight and finish him off. Especially Storm is really good against him. Heroes with global ulties. Zeus or Spectre is really good against him if the timing is on point. You just use your ulti before he jumps and

What can Reaper do to Earthshaker in Dota 2?

Reaper’s Scythe allows to kill Earthshaker while he blinks in, preventing him from executing his combo (although Earthshaker is rarely a primary target). Outworld Destroyer’s pure and magical damage is particularly effective against Earthshaker.

How does feast and infest work against Earthshaker?

Feast is very effective against Earthshaker, because of him being a strength hero, allowing Lifestealer to heavily harass and kill him. Open Wounds prevents Earthshaker from escaping after he initiated. Infest gives Lifestealer an easy way to escape should he get caught out by Earthshaker.