Who made up slavocracy?

A slavocracy, also known as a plantocracy, is a ruling class, political order or government composed of (or dominated by) slave owners and plantation owners.

Is slavocracy a word?

noun, plural slav·oc·ra·cies. the rule or domination of slaveholders: the slavocracy of the old plantations.

What does the term manumission mean?

: the act or process of manumitting especially : formal emancipation from slavery.

What was the southern slavocracy?

The Slave Power or Slavocracy was the perceived political power in the U.S. federal government held by slave owners during the 1840s and 1850s, prior to the Civil War. The argument was later widely used by the Republican Party that formed in 1854–55 to oppose the expansion of slavery.

Why is Plantocracy important?

It is credited in constituting a significant impetus in delaying the abolition of the slave trade from taking place in the 1790s to being implemented in 1806-1808; and likewise, with respect to prospects of emancipation being proclaimed in the 1820s, to it being implemented in 1834-1838.

What is a Plantocracy definition?

1 : a ruling class made up of planters. 2 : government by planters.

What is a diaphanous definition?

1 : characterized by such fineness of texture as to permit seeing through diaphanous fabrics a diaphanous curtain. 2 : characterized by extreme delicacy of form : ethereal painted diaphanous landscapes. 3 : insubstantial, vague had only a diaphanous hope of success.

What is manumission in sociology?

Manumission Laws Slaves were able, in some societies, to gain freedom based on the good will of the slave-owner, but most cases were attributed to the purchase of freedom by the slaves, or freedom granted due to a minimum amount of time served in bondage.

What does neocolonialism mean?

Neocolonialism has been broadly understood as a further development of capitalism that enables capitalist powers (both nations and corporations) to dominate subject nations through the operations of international capitalism rather than by means of direct rule. …

What is the origin of diaphanous?

Origin of the word Diaphanous: The word diaphanous has Greek forefathers. And its origin story is actually very visible in nature, just like this word which implies near 100% visibility. It is derived from the roots: dia, meaning “through,” and phaino/phanous/phany, meaning “to show/make visible”.

What is a diaphanous gown?

diaphanous Add to list Share. If a dress is so see-through that light shines through it, it’s diaphanous. You could also call it “sheer” or “transparent,” but diaphanous sounds much fancier.

What is the meaning of the word Slavocracy?

noun, plural slav·oc·ra·cies. the rule or domination of slaveholders: the slavocracy of the old plantations. a dominating body of slaveholders.

Why was the slavocracy important in the Deep South?

Those who differed on many other issues (such as hating Black people or liking them, denouncing slavery as a sin or promising to guarantee its protection in the Deep South) could unite to attack the slavocracy.

What was the slavocracy in post slavery America?

— David Holahan, USA TODAY, 12 Jan. 2021 In post-slavery—and post–policing-of-slavery—America, racist policing in the American slavocracy was also tied to partnerships with the private violence of organizations like the Ku Klux Klan. — Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw, The New Republic, 13 Aug. 2020

Who are the supporters of the Slave Power?

For twenty years foreign merchants, shipmasters, or travellers had seen in American officials only trained and devoted supporters of the slave power, and the only evidences of public opinion at home to be found at those official seats, so much resorted to and credited, were all of the same character.