Who is Getitfree?

Get It Free is an aggregator of free samples, deals, coupons, sweepstakes and other offers. We find the best deals on the web and compile them all into one convenient location for the benefit of those who love savings. We simply post the freebies, coupons, and sweepstakes available for you to participate in.

Is Getitfree a legitimate website?

It’s a total scam. You don’t get anything but a headache and all they wanted was your info. So they can sell it to other scammers to call and harass you throughout the day and night. I had to change my phone number and email.

Is Pinch me a safe site?

Pinchme is 100% legit. It took about four months to get my items but it was worth the wait. They offer a variety of samples. The site is easy to use.

What happened to Shop4freebies?

More. As of today, Shop4freebies.com will be shutting their doors and hanging the virtual closed sign on the door. It’s been a wonderful journey since this site has opened its doors many moons ago. We were one of the very first freebie sites out there, and we took pride in being the absolute best.

Is daily goodie box safe?

Is daily goodie box a scam or a legit company? Answer: They are legit. You don’t have to do all the surveys to get a box.

How long does it take PINCHme to ship?

approximately 4-5 weeks
PINCHme boxes take approximately 4-5 weeks to arrive. You receive a confirmation email when your item ships, and previous orders can be seen on your feedback page under Order History!

Who is PINCHme?

PINCHme is a free sample program that mails you free samples of products from major brands and then asks you to review those samples so they can send you more. You also can get freebies by completing special offers through PINCHme. Not just this one time either, PINCHme sends out boxes of free samples each month.

How can I get something absolutely free in the mail?

7 Places to Get Boxes of Free Samples

  1. PINCHme. A box of past and future free samples given away from PINCHme.
  2. Influenster. Stacy Fisher.
  3. Smiley360. A box of free Centrum MultiGummies I received from Smiley360.
  4. BzzAgent. The latest box of freebies I’ve received from BzzAgent.
  5. Ripple Street. Stacy Fisher.
  6. SampleSource.
  7. of 07.

How long does PINCHme take to ship?