Who goes well with Tahm Kench?

ok buddy i play adc with tahm supp and the best ones imho are yasuo, kayn, mundo and the big boi olaf. All these guys just do tons of dmg with grasp tahm adc. TK can work well with almost any adc.

What is good against Tahm Kench?

The best champions that counter Tahm Kench are Vayne, Kled, Gnar, Cho’Gath annd Gwen.

Is Tahm Kench good support?

Tahm Kench is great for playing support and a lot of fun as well. Tahm Kench is an extremely viable support pick, especially into opposing melee supports. He still has the ability to save his ADC from hard cc and if you take cleanse you’re basically ungankable. The enemy bot will never be able to all in you.

Why is Senna good with Tahm Kench?

But, Tahm Kench is very durable into poke because of his Grey Health. Also, Senna is good at protecting a melee adc. She can poke to keep enemies off him, heal him when he’s low, and use her camoflauge when he overextends. Thus, Tahm Kench and Senna.

How strong is TAHM kench?

Tahm Kench Build 11.21 ranks as an -Tier pick for the Support role in Season 11. This champion currently has a Win Rate of 48.21% (Bad), Pick Rate of 0.81% , and a Ban Rate of 0.29% (Low).

Does Mordekaiser counter TAHM kench?

Runes Mordekaiser Will Likely Use to Counter Tahm Kench

  • Conqueror.
  • Revitalize.

Can TAHM kench eat buff?

We’re taking a sweeping pass at some of the things that make Tahm Kench unnecessarily frustrating to play against, notably the constant CC that plagues opponents in lane and his Q’s large melee hitbox. And he can now Devour Blue and Red Buffs, because that seems like it could be fun.

Is TAHM kench viable Reddit?

Tahm Kench is an extremely viable support pick, especially into opposing melee supports. He still has the ability to save his ADC from hard cc and if you take cleanse you’re basically ungankable/the enemy bot will never be able to all in you.

Is Senna a bad ADC?

Senna is a marksman in League of Legends, which mainly makes her viable in the bot lane as an ADC. Besides her viability as an ADC, she is also used as a support that helps sustain the carries throughout the game.

Why is Senna TK good?

A staple of the meta since her release, Senna has built her popularity with the public as a first-rate threat in the botlane. With her passive ability, Senna can permanently increase her damage, range, critical strike and regeneration statistics by harvesting the “Souls” left behind by minions and slain champions.

Why is TAHM so strong?

Often seen as annoying to deal with, the fundamental reason to me why TK is so strong is due to one simple reason – The lack power in champions. This is an easy argument to follow. The characters in League don’t pack a lot of power in comparison to other MOBAs.