Who destroyed the Death Star 1?

Luke Skywalker
The first Death Star was destroyed by Luke Skywalker, with the help of Han Solo, and the second Death Star was destroyed by Wedge Antilles and Lando Calrissian.

Who destroyed the Third Death Star?

Red Squadron
While the Kaarenth Dissension’s sophisticated feint was a successful distraction, this so-called Death Star III was ultimately destroyed by Red Squadron when Red Leader made a direct hit to its unprotected thermal exhaust port.

What fueled the Death Star?

The first and second Death Star battle stations built by the Empire employed a powerful superlaser weapon fueled by massive kyber crystals.

Did Galen ERSO design the Death Star?

House of the Dragon Trailer – The Loop The Death Star plans, codenamed “Stardust” by Galen Erso, were the blueprints of the first Death Star, an Imperial superweapon based on Geonosian designs.

What was Darth Sidious alter ego?

Emperor Palpatine

Emperor Palpatine
Full name Sheev Palpatine
Alias Darth Sidious
Species Human
Gender Male

How many Death Stars were there?

As a result of its ubiquity, most people think they know the story of the Death Stars. There were two; one was destroyed at Yavin and one at Endor.

Who is the mother of Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia Organa in the Star Wars universe?

Anakin secretly marries Naboo Senator Padmé Amidala at the end of the film. In Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith (2005), Padme dies giving birth to twins, Luke and Leia. Luke is raised by Beru and Owen Lars on Tatooine. Leia is raised by Senator Bail Organa and Queen Breha Organa on Alderaan.

Who planted Death Star flaw?

Galen Erso
A new excerpt from the forthcoming Rogue One prequel novel — Catalyst — suggests that Galen Erso created the Death Star’s fatal design flaw on purpose, allowing it to be exploited by Luke Skywalker in Star Wars: A New Hope.

Who is Galen and Lyra?

A geologist with an extensive knowledge of crystals, Lyra Erso helped her husband Galen with his work before he became involved with Orson Krennic’s energy-enrichment project. Deeply suspicious of both Krennic and the Empire, Lyra believed in the Force and tried to share her faith with her daughter Jyn.