Who can claim land in South Africa?

The law lists five groups of claimants as follows:

  • Dispossessed individuals.
  • A direct descendant of a dispossessed person who had rights to the property.
  • A community executor.
  • An administrator or executor of a deceased person’s estate.
  • Someone who is juristic like a trust or a company.

How do I check my land claims in South Africa?

Where can I find out more about land claims, rural development and land reform programmes?

  1. Phone +2712 312 8911.
  2. E-mail: [email protected].

Who may lodge a land claim?

(1) Any person who or the representative of any community which is entitled to claim restitution of a right in land, may lodge such claim, which shall include a description of the land in question, the nature of the right in land of which he, she or such community was dispossessed and the nature of the right or …

In which type of court are land claims dealt with?

The Land Claims Court (LCC) was established in 1996 and its primary focus is dealing with land restitution / land claims cases. The Court deals with restitution cases in the form of referrals from the Commissioner’s office or when they come directly through claimants or affected land owners.

How do I claim free land in South Africa?

You have to visit a lodgement office to claim. You have until 30 June 2019 to lodge a land claim. Mobile lodgement offices will visit your district during the claim period. You will receive a letter after the capturing of your claim information.

How does a land claim work?

A land claim is a written request made by a person, a direct descendant of a person, an estate or a community for the return of land, rights in land or other equitable redress that has been lodged with the Commission of Restitution of Land Rights in the prescribed manner.

What is it called when you claim land?

Adverse possession is a legal doctrine that allows a person to claim a property right in land owned by another. Common examples of adverse possession include continuous use of a private road or driveway, or agricultural development of an unused parcel of land.

What does the land claim court do?

What is the Commission for the restoration of land claims?

The Mandate of the Commission on Restitution of Land Rights (CRLR) is to provide for the Restitution of land in respect of which persons of communities were dispossessed under or for furthering the purpose of furthering the objects of racially based discriminatory law.