Which president spoke the most languages?

John Quincy Adams: Eight Foreign Languages Wondering which president spoke the most languages? John Quincy Adams, the 6th U.S. president, spoke more languages than any of the others who also held the role. In addition to English, he spoke eight more languages.

What languages did Teddy Roosevelt speak?

Theodore Roosevelt/Languages

How many languages does President Obama speak?

Barack Obama/Languages

What was Martin Van Buren’s first language?

*Martin Van Buren’s first language was Dutch. He spoke fluent English.

Is George W Bush fluent in Spanish?

George W. Bush speaks some Spanish and has delivered speeches in the language. His speeches in Spanish have had English interspersed throughout.

How many languages did Benjamin Franklin speak?

Benjamin Franklin/Languages
Benjamin Franklin learned five languages during his life—French, German, Italian, Spanish, and Latin—to varying degrees of fluency. …

How many languages did President Kennedy speak?

John F. Kennedy/Languages

How many languages could Benjamin Franklin speak?

How many languages did Ben Franklin speak?

How many languages did John F Kennedy speak?

Who was the first US President to speak in Spanish?

George W. Bush on May 5 (Cinco de Mayo), 2001, delivering the first weekly radio address of the president of the United States broadcast in both English and Spanish by any president.

Who was the only US President to speak all languages?

Both Theodore and Franklin D. Roosevelt spoke French, and Woodrow Wilson and Franklin D. Roosevelt spoke German. Herbert Hoover spoke some Mandarin Chinese, while Barack Obama speaks Bahasa Indonesian at a conversational level – they are the only Presidents to speak any Asian languages, not counting Hebrew .

Who was the first US President to speak both French and Dutch?

John Quincy Adams. John Quincy Adams went to school in both France and the Netherlands, and spoke fluent French and conversational Dutch. Adams strove to improve his abilities in Dutch throughout his life, and at times translated a page of Dutch a day to help improve his mastery of the language.