Which of the following statements align with the value working software over comprehensive documentation of Agile?

Which of the following statements align with the value “Working software over comprehensive documentation” of Agile manifesto? An agile coach says to the team “Documentation is of no use.” If documentation is absolutely essential then create it.

What is an advantage that we can get from the Agile value working software over comprehensive documentation?

The agile way of delivery always focalizes on the working software model rather than writing a full document. It saves more time for the developers to concentrate on developing new functionality.

What does it mean by working software over comprehensive documentation?

Working software over comprehensive documentation means that delivering software that does what it should comes first in the priorities before creating documentation.

Does Agile promotes comprehensive documentation?

Agile software development (ASD) promotes working software over comprehensive documentation. Whereas some artefacts may be adopted because they are inherently included in an ASD method, an agile team decides itself on the usage of additional artefacts.

How is the agile principle of working software over comprehensive documentation put into practice?

The Agile Manifesto prescribes that teams should value working software over comprehensive documentation. It doesn’t mean that you should not create documentation; it means you should create documentation that provides value and at the same time does not hinder the team’s progress.

What is working software in agile?

The definition of working software may vary slightly between projects, but not much. Working software is fully integrated, tested, and ready to be shipped to customers or deployed into production. An Agile project has all activities going on all the time as needed.

What is working software in Agile?

How is the Agile principle of working software over comprehensive documentation put into practice?

What are the principles of Agile Manifesto?

The four core values of Agile software development as stated by the Agile Manifesto are:

  • individuals and interactions over processes and tools;
  • working software over comprehensive documentation;
  • customer collaboration over contract negotiation; and.
  • responding to change over following a plan.

What is working software in scrum?

Working software is the primary measure of progress. There’s often a huge difference between working software and complete software. In agile, nothing is ever really complete, and working software doesn’t have to be fully finished to bring value to the end user.

What do you mean by working software?

Working software is a tested software that delivers value to the end-user, value that works well, maybe even better than expected, but never worse! In other words, working software is a software which is fully integrated, tested, and ready to be shipped to customers or deployed into production.