Which is the best yoga in Vedic astrology?

The most powerful Raja yoga is produced when, free from the adverse influences of the trika – lords, the lords of the 9th and the 10th or the lords of the 4th and the 5th conjoin in an auspicious sign and bhava.

How is Dhan yoga formed?

Dhana yoga occurs- a) when the lord of the lagna and the lord of the 2nd together, associate with the lord of the 5th, the 9th or the 11th bhava; b) or when the lord of the 2nd associates with the lord of the 5th, the 9th or the 11th bhava; c) or when the lord of the 5th associates with the lord of the 9th or the 11th …

What is Shakti yoga in Astrology?

The Shakti yog is formed when. Moon, Rahu occupy the 5th and 9th houses from the ascendant sign. Moon in the 3rd house (aspecting the 9th house) and Rahu in the 5th house. Moon in the 11th house (aspecting the 5th house) and Rahu in the 9th house. Both are together ie conjunct in the 5th or 9th house.

What is the effect of grahan yoga?

Through Grahan Yoga, Rahu and Ketu may cause damage to the general as well as specific significances of Sun and Moon in a horoscope. Some astrologers believe that even if Sun or Moon is afflicted by Rahu or Ketu through aspect; Grahan Yoga is formed in the horoscope.

What happens if Rahu is in 9th house?

Those who have Rahu in the ninth house of a horoscope will possess creative or special abilities under its influence. Rahu in the 9th House can also lead to long unplanned travels, which can be adventurous and risk-taking. Rahu in the 9th House may cause delays and problems in getting any kind of inheritances.

What is police Danda called?

mn. baton countable noun. A baton is a short heavy stick which is sometimes used as a weapon by the police. /pulisa ka danda, pulisa kA dandA, pulisa kaa dandaa, pulis kā dandā, pulisa ka DanDa, pulisa kA DanDA, pulisa kaa DanDaa, pulis kā DanDā, pulisa ka ḍanḍa, pulisa kA ḍanḍA, pulisa kaa ḍanḍaa, pulis kā ḍanḍā/

Which is the best way to use Yoga Danda?

To use Yoga danda sit on the floor in any meditative posture such as Siddhasana,Sukhasana or Padmasana with your spine straight. Support your torso on the Yoga Danda by resting your armpit on the U-shaped horizontal member of the staff.

How are aasraya yogas based on the planets?

Aasraya yogas are based on the signs occupied by planets. If all the planets are in movable signs or in fixed signs or in dual signs, these yogas arise. If all the planets are exclusively in movable signs, this yoga is formed.

Which is an example of a Sarpa yoga?

Sarpa means a serpant. If a benefic also occupies one of the quadrants, this yoga may not operate well. As an example, let us say lagna is in Sc, Mars is in Ta, Rahu is in Le and Ketu is in Aq. This gives Sarpa yoga.