Which film is based on a tale by Charles Perrault?

Cinderella, American animated film, released in 1950, that was made by Walt Disney and was based on the fairy tale by Charles Perrault.

Which fairy tales did Charles Perrault write?

Perrault’s Fairy Tales. The texts of “Sleeping Beauty,” “Blue Beard,” “The Master Cat or Puss in Boots,” “The Fairies,” “Cinderella; or, The Little Glass Slipper,” “Ricky of the Tuft,” and “Little Tom Thumb,” including illustrations by Gustave Doré. The Tales of Mother Goose by Charles Perrault.

What was Charles Perrault famous for?

He is best remembered for his collection of fairy stories for children, Contes de ma mère l’oye (1697; Tales of Mother Goose). He was the brother of the physician and amateur architect Claude Perrault. A lawyer by training, Charles Perrault first worked as an official in charge of royal buildings.

When Was Walt Disney Cinderella made?

October 4, 1951 (Hong Kong)
Cinderella/Release date

When did Charles Perrault wrote Sleeping Beauty?

The tale was first published by Giambattista Basile in his collection of tales titled The Pentamerone (published posthumously in 1634). Basile’s version was later adapted and published by Charles Perrault in Histoires ou contes du temps passé in 1697.

Who wrote Perrault fairy tales?

Charles Perrault
Perrault’s fairy tales/Authors

Charles Perrault, author of Little Red Riding Hood, Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella was born 388 years ago, and has been commemorated with a Google Doodle. Perrault was born in Paris in 1628, and was a lawyer before turning his hand to the written word.

Did Charles Perrault Write Beauty and the Beast?

Beauty and the Beast is a fairy tale that has been adapted many times over the years. One of the most influential versions was written by Charles Perrault. In Perrault’s adaptation of the classic fairy tale, a poor merchant stumbles across a mysterious castle while lost in the woods.