Where is Trojan Technologies head office?

London, Ontario

Trojan Technologies Inc.
Mailing Address: Corporate Communications 3020 Gore Road London, Ontario N5V 4T7 Head Office Address:
Telephone Number: 519 457-3400 Reporting Jurisdictions:
Fax Number: 519 457-3030 Stock Exchange:
Date of Formation: Aug 25 1981 Stock Symbol:

What industry is Trojan Technologies?

The company serves a wide range of industries, including municipal wastewater, drinking water, environmental contaminant treatment, residential water treatment and ultrapurification of water used in food and beverage manufacturing, pharmaceutical processing and semiconductor applications.

Why is my Trojan UV Max beeping?

This means that the UV system is now unable to kill bacteria in your water and protect your family. If you get constant beeping, first replace the UV lamp, reset the timer if available on your model, and power it back up to see if the beeping continues.

Can UV sterilize water?

UV Disinfection. UV disinfects water containing bacteria and viruses and can be effective against protozoans like Giardia lamblia cysts or Cryptosporidium oocysts.

What is nm UV light?

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation occupies the portion of electromagnetic spectrum from 100 to 400 nanometers (nm). The UV spectrum consists of three regions, as designated by the Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage: UV-A (315–400 nm) UV-B (280–315 nm)

Who owns Trojan?

Church & Dwight
Church & Dwight is the parent company of brands including Trojan condoms, Batiste dry shampoo, Arm & Hammer detergent and Nair hair removal cream.

Is Viqua and Trojan the same?

Viqua and its parent company, Trojan Technologies, are literally the world leaders in UV water treatment technology.

Why is my UV light not working?

Check to see if your GFI or your breaker is tripped. If the electrical supply is functioning correctly, make sure the unit is unplugged and remove the bulb and inspect it for any damage. Reinstall the bulb and try plugging in the unit again. If the UV light still won’t turn on, the power supply could have gone bad.

What is the life of UV lamp?

Most “UV” lamps are rated at 10,000 hours, or slightly longer than one year. The lamp should be replaced, as a rule, once every year.

Is UV light safe for drinking water?

UV light is a natural process and does not produce harmful chemicals in water. Simply connect at point of entry and plugin in the electricity. It’s a safe, effective and environmentally friendly disinfection method that is widely used for residential and industrial applications around the world.

How much does a UV water system cost?

With this type of water purification system, water passes under UV lights, which kill bacteria and other microorganisms. A UV disinfection system is not effective in removing sediment from water. Expect to pay between $800 and $2,000.
