Where is the Uppsala Cathedral?

Uppsala Cathedral (Swedish: Uppsala domkyrka) is a cathedral located between the University Hall of Uppsala University and the Fyris river in the centre of Uppsala, Sweden.

Is Upsala a real place?

Many of these sacrifices would take place in the very real location of Uppsala, now a major city near Stockholm, Sweden.

Where is Scandinavia’s largest cathedral?

Wikipedia: Uppsala Cathedral (Swedish: Uppsala domkyrka) is a cathedral church located between Uppsala University and the Fyris river in the centre of Uppsala, in southeastern Sweden. It dates back to the late 13th century and at a height of 118.7 metres (389 ft) it is the tallest church building in Scandinavia.

Who is buried in Uppsala?

According to the Ynglinga saga the kings Aun, Egil and Adils were buried in Old Uppsala. One interpretation is that these are buried in the three great mounds.

How old is Uppsala Cathedral?

586c. 1435
Uppsala Cathedral/Age

Are Norse gods still Worshipped?

Thor and Odin are still going strong 1000 years after the Viking Age. Many think that the old Nordic religion – the belief in the Norse gods – disappeared with the introduction of Christianity. Today there are between 500 and 1000 people in Denmark who believe in the old Nordic religion and worship its ancient gods.

What is the meaning of Uppsala?

/ (ˈʌpsɑːlə) / noun. a city in E central Sweden: the royal headquarters in the 13th century; Gothic cathedral (the largest in Sweden) and Sweden’s oldest university (1477).

Does anyone still believe in Valhalla?

Today, as the old Norse religion enjoys a revival, practitioners are modernizing its core beliefs, including those relating to the afterlife. The modern view of Valhalla is subject to strict and loose interpretations. Others, however, maintain that Valhalla represents a vital spiritual guide for how to live one’s life.