Where is the Roman Catholic cathedral in Aachen?

Aachen Cathedral (German: Aachener Dom) is a Roman Catholic church in Aachen, Germany and the see of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Aachen. One of the oldest cathedrals in Europe , it was constructed by order of Emperor Charlemagne , who was buried there in 814.

When was the cupola added to the Aachen Cathedral?

Due to the enormous flow of pilgrims, in 1355 a Gothic choir hall was added, and a two-part Capella vitrea (glass chapel) which was consecrated on the 600th anniversary of Charlemagne’s death. A cupola, several other chapels, and a steeple were also constructed at later dates.

When did the Palatine Chapel in Aachen become the mother church?

From 936 to 1531, the Palatine Chapel saw the coronation of thirty-one German kings and twelve queens. The church has been the mother church of the Diocese of Aachen since 1930. 3.4 Ambon of Henry II.

When was the Aachen Cathedral declared a world heritage building?

In 1978 UNESCO declared the Aachen Cathedral as the first building in Germany to be a world cultural heritage.

How big is the Treasury at Aachen Cathedral?

The treasury is considered one of the most important of its kind north of the Alps. Its collection includes numerous sacred gold and silver items such as chalices, reliquaries and alterpieces. Admire objects from late antiquity displayed in a space of around 600m², as well as items from the Carolingian, Ottonian, Staufian and Gothic periods.

When was the golden chandelier donated to the Cathedral of Aachen?

Frederick I arranged the canonization of Charlemagne in 1165 and donated the golden chandelier, which dovetails harmonically and symbolically with the overall structure of the church. It seems to descend from the heavens to the earth like the Heavenly Jerusalem.

Who was the king of Aachen in 765?

Although archaeological fi nds and features indicate that Aachen had already been settled continuously since Roman times, the fi rst written record of the place only appears in 765 AD, when King Pippin († 768) celebrated Christmas here. At that time, the settlement of Aachen and its environs formed a sizeable royal estate.

Which is the oldest Catholic Church in Germany?

Aachen Cathedral ( German: Aachener Dom) is a Roman Catholic church in Aachen, western Germany, and the see of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Aachen . One of the oldest cathedrals in Europe, it was constructed by order of the emperor Charlemagne, who was buried there in 814.