Where is the ADF based?

Operational command of the ADF is exercised by HQJOC, which is located at a purpose-built facility near Bungendore, New South Wales. This is a ‘joint’ headquarters comprising personnel from the three services and includes a continuously manned Joint Control Centre.

What should I wear to an ADF interview?

Dress: Unlike the Assessment Day business attire isn’t required. Our recommendation, wear business attire. It never hurts to make a good first impression. The ADF as an organisation is very conservative, you should dress conservatively to match.

How long is the ADF recruitment process?

For geospatial intelligence it has taken me around 12 months from initially applying online to enlistment date. However, other applicants can also be waiting around 6 or 18 months (Again, depends on the job and if they are passing the stages of the application process).

Where are the ADF currently deployed?

These aircraft support ADF operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. The ADF currently has main deployments in the Middle East and three smaller deployments. These operations are commanded from a Joint Task Force Headquarters located in the United Arab Emirates.

Where does Australia have troops deployed?

The Government has deployed Australian Defence Force personnel to operations overseas and within Australia to protect Australia and its national interests….Number of Defence personnel on operation.

Operation & Location Personnel *
Manitou Middle East Region Maritime 5
Mazurka Egypt 27
Okra Middle East Region and Iraq 30

How hard is the ADF Aptitude Test?

This test has 75 test questions and you only have 30 minutes to complete it. This is a very difficult task to complete in such a short time. The test measures your cognitive ability in three key areas using 3 types of test questions: 1.

What are the ADF values?

We must act in accordance with the Australian Defence Force’s values: Service, Courage, Respect, Integrity and Excellence.

How do I prepare for ADF?

How to Prepare for the ADF YOU Session

  1. Know what to expect on test day.
  2. Familiarize yourself with the type of test questions in the Aptitude Evaluation.
  3. Brush up on your high school mathematics.
  4. Practice sample ADF YOU Session questions.
  5. A healthy body is important for a healthy mind.

Where is the Australian Army now?

The Army protects Australian interests well beyond our own borders. We have a presence in several countries including Iraq, Egypt, Israel and South Sudan; and have recently served in Afghanistan and East Timor. Military training exercises test and reinforce our ability to respond to a variety of situations.