Where is reliquary of Sainte Foy?

Located in Conques, the Church of Saint-Foy (Saint Faith) is an important pilgrimage church on the route to Santiago de Compostela in Northern Spain. It is also an abbey, meaning that the church was part of a monastery where monks lived, prayed and worked.

What does the reliquary of Sainte Foy represent?

The Reliquary of Sainte Foy is a 33-½ inch wooden statue covered in gold and gemstones. The reliquary holds the skull of Sainte Foy in the bust, which is made from a repurposed Roman helmet. The gold conveys heavenly martyrdom, and the reflective surface evokes a connection to the spiritual world.

Who designed the church of Sainte Foy?

The Abbot Odolric
The Abbot Odolric The present Romanesque church construction started under the guidance of Abbot Odolric (1031-1065) on the setting of a 10th century basilica.

Which biblical story is told on the tympanum of the Abbey Church of Sainte-Foy?

1050–1130 C.E. When a pilgrim arrived at Conques, they would probably head for the church to receive blessing. Yet before they got inside, an important message awaited them on the portals: the Last Judgment. This scene is depicted on the tympanum, the central semi-circular relief carving above the central portal.

Why was the church of Sainte Foy built?

Over time, the high footfall along these many routes brought wealth & status to the towns along the way, and so many smaller cathedrals sprang up around these routes. Places like the Church of Sainte-Foy (Saint Faith), in Conques, France, were built to house and celebrate the holy relics within.

When was the church of Sainte Foy built?

A church had stood on the spot since the 600s; the Church of Sainte-Foy was built from 1050-1130.

Where is the last Judgement tympanum located?

The last piece examined is The Last Judgement Tympanum located in a portal on the West Façade of the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris, France (University of Michigan)[1]. This Gothic sculpture stone was created between 1220-1240 (University of Michigan) [2].

What are radiating chapels?

In a church, projecting chapels arranged radially around the ambulatory of a semicircular or polygonal liturgical east end.

What is the tympanum for?

In general, any animal that reacts to sounds or communicates by means of sound, needs to have an auditory mechanism. This typically consists of a membrane capable of vibration known as the tympanum, an air-filled chamber and sensory organs to detect the auditory stimuli.

When was the Abbey of Sainte Foy built?

A church had stood on the spot since the 600s; the Church of Sainte-Foy was built from 1050-1130.

How tall is the Church of Sainte-Foy?

26.40 meters tall
The exterior length of the church is 59 meters. The interior length is 56 meters. the width of each transept is 4 meters. The height of the crossing tower is 26.40 meters tall.

How tall is the church of Sainte Foy?