Where is Penguin Publishing USA located?

Penguin Books

Parent company Penguin Random House (as of 1 July 2013)
Country of origin United Kingdom
Headquarters location City of Westminster, London, England
Distribution United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland, India, United States, Australia, South Africa, Canada, Spanish-speaking world, Brazil, Germany

How do I contact Doubleday Books?

Contact Information

  1. Knopf. [email protected].
  2. Doubleday and Nan A. Talese. [email protected].
  3. Pantheon and Schocken. [email protected].
  4. Vintage / Anchor. [email protected].

What is PRH customer service?

For inquiries regarding product availability, ordering information, status of shipment, billing, defective merchandise, or returns, please contact Penguin Random House Customer Service at 1-800-733-3000.

Where are Penguin Random House offices?

Headquarters. The publisher’s main office in the United States is located at 1745 Broadway in Manhattan, in the 684-foot – 210 m Penguin Random House Tower, completed in 2009 and spanning the entire west side of the block between West 55th Street and West 56th.

How can I publish my book in USA?

Here’s how to publish a book step-by-step:

  1. Decide Why You Want to Publish a Book.
  2. Write Your Book.
  3. Get Feedback Before Publishing Your Book.
  4. Choose a Book Title.
  5. Hire a Great Book Editor.
  6. Design a Book Cover that Converts.
  7. Create Your Kindle Direct Publishing Account.
  8. Format and Upload your Book.

Is Doubleday part of penguin?

Doubleday is an American publishing company. In 2009 Doubleday merged with Knopf Publishing Group to form the Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, which is now part of Penguin Random House. In 2019, the official website presents Doubleday as an imprint, not a publisher.

How do I contact Ballantine Books?

Ballantine Books includes a backlist of more than 3,000 titles….Ballantine Books.

Main Address: 1745 Broadway New York New York 10019 Phone: 212-782-9000
Fax: 212-782-8438
Updated 3/21/2006

How do I get in touch with the Penguin Random House?

To speak with our Customer Service team, please call: 1-800-733-3000 between the hours 8:30am and 6:00pm EST. Please select a subject.

How do I contact Penguin publishers?

You may reach a representative by email at [email protected] or by phone at 866-761-6685.