Where is Barotseland located?

Barotseland is the traditional land of the Barotse and comprises the upper Zambezi Valley, in Southern Central Africa. Nowadays, the Barotse territory falls largely within the borders of Zambia and coincides with the delimitations of the Western Province of Zambia.

Who was the first British administrator in Barotseland?

The protectorate was divided into nine administrative districts. In September 1900 Coryndon was appointed as the first Administrator. He held this post until 1907. Coryndon was replaced by Robert Codrington, who died within a year of taking up office as Administrator.

When was Barotseland changed to Western Province?

August 1969
After independence Barotseland Protectorate became Barotse Province. In August 1969 the name Barotse Province was changed to Western Province.

Who was the first King of Barotseland?

In all, there have been 23 Litungas since Mboo the first King. If the two who ruled the exiled groups during the Kololo interregnum are included, then the total is 25, while three Kololo leaders ruled the Barotse kingdom.

Who is the King of Barotseland?

The Litunga of Barotseland (now in Zambia) is the king of the Barotse people. The Litunga resides near the Zambezi River and the town of Mongu, at Lealui on the floodplain in the dry season, and on higher ground at Limulunga on the edge of the floodplain in the wet season.

Which country does Barotseland want to secede from?

In return for this protectorate status, the Litunga gave the BSAC mineral exploration rights in Barotseland. In 1964, Barotseland became part of Zambia when that country achieved independence. However, some people claim that Zambia has violated the Barotseland Agreement 1964, and seek independence from Zambia.

Who was the greatest Litunga?

Lubosi Lewanika
Lewanika (1842–1916) (also known as Lubosi, Lubosi Lewanika or Lewanika I) was the Lozi Litunga (King) of Barotseland from 1878 to 1916 (with a break in 1884-5).

Who was the second litunga?

Litunga Lubosi Imwiko
King Litunga Lubosi Imwiko the second celebrates his 20 years coronation anniversary.

Who was the greatest litunga?

Who was the first female Litunga?

Lewanika (1842–1916) (also known as Lubosi, Lubosi Lewanika or Lewanika I) was the Lozi Litunga (King) of Barotseland from 1878 to 1916 (with a break in 1884-5).

Who was the first Lozi Litunga?

Where was Barotseland located in pre colonial times?

In pre-colonial times, Barotseland included some neighbouring parts of what are now the Northwestern, Central and Southern Province as well as Caprivi in northeastern Namibia and parts of southeastern Angola beyond the Cuando or Mashi River.

Who was in power when Livingstone visited Barotseland?

The Makololo were in power when Livingstone visited Barotseland, but after thirty years the Luyi successfully overthrew the Kololo king. Barotseland’s status at the onset of the colonial era differed from the other regions which became Zambia.

When was the Barotseland Agreement declared null and void?

On 4 December 1991, in a landmark Ruling, the High Court of Zambia ruled that the Barotseland Agreement 1964 was abrogated, and no longer exists. According to Bartose independentists, the judgment showed that the Zambian Government violated and rendered the Barotseland Agreement null and void.

When did Barotseland become a part of Zambia?

In 1964, Barotseland became part of Zambia when that country achieved independence. However, some people claim that Zambia has violated the Barotseland Agreement 1964, and seek independence from Zambia.