Where is Amgen headquarters located?

Thousand Oaks, CA

What is the Amgen Foundation?

The Amgen Foundation seeks to advance excellence in science education to inspire the next generation of innovators, and invest in strengthening communities where Amgen staff members live and work.

How do I contact Amgen?

For product questions, to report an adverse event or safety-related issue, or to report a quality issue with a product or device, call +1 800-772-6436 (800-77-AMGEN) or +1 805-447-3505.

Does Amgen match donations?

Matching Gift Program The Foundation matches every dollar donated by an Amgen staff member in the U.S. and Puerto Rico, from $50 to a cumulative total of $20,000 annually, to eligible nonprofit organizations.

Who is the CEO of Amgen?

Robert A. Bradway (May 23, 2012–)
Robert A. Bradway is Amgen’s chairman and chief executive officer. He became chairman in January 2013 and chief executive officer in May 2012. Bradway served as the company’s president and chief operating officer from May 2010 to May 2012, and was appointed to the Amgen Board of Directors in October 2011.

What does Amgen stand for?

Applied Molecular Genetics Inc.
AMGen (Applied Molecular Genetics Inc.) is established in Thousand Oaks, California, on April 8, 1980, as the brainchild of venture capitalists William K.

How many locations does Amgen have?

Amgen is headquartered in Thousand Oaks, CA and has 66 office locations across 49 countries.

Who makes the drug Repatha?

Amgen To Make Repatha® (evolocumab) Available Exclusively At Its Lower List Price Option In 2020| Amgen.

What is Amgen’s mission?

Amgen strives to serve patients by transforming the promise of science and biotechnology into therapies that have the power to restore health or save lives. In everything we do, we aim to fulfill our mission to serve patients. And every step of the way, we are guided by the values that define us.

What is Bob Bradway salary?

Executive Compensation As Chief Executive Officer and President at AMGEN INC, Robert A. Bradway made $20,131,408 in total compensation.

What was Amgen’s first drug?

1989. Amgen received approval for the first recombinant human erythropoetin product, Epogen, for the treatment of anemia associated with chronic kidney failure.

What is Amgen’s revenue?

25.42 billion USD (2020)