Where do I put RubyGems?
When you use the –user-install option, RubyGems will install the gems to a directory inside your home directory, something like ~/. gem/ruby/1.9. 1 . The commands provided by the gems you installed will end up in ~/.
How do I run local gem?
In order to use local gem repository in a Rails project, follow the steps below:
- Check if your gem folder is a git repository (the command is executed in the gem folder) git rev-parse –is-inside-work-tree.
- Getting repository path (the command is executed in the gem folder) git rev-parse –show-toplevel.
Where are local gems installed?
By default, binaries installed by gem will be placed into: /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.7. 0/bin You may want to add this to your PATH.
How do I install offline gems?
Ruby gem offline installation
- Step 1 (build the gem archive) Execute the below commands to create the gem archive. $ mkdir gem-redis-3.3.5 $ gem install redis –version 3.3.5 –install-dir gem-redis-3.3.5.
- Step 2 (use the archive to perform offline installation) Now this folder gem-redis-3.3.
How do I update my local gem?
- Update RubyGems. To update to its latest version with: gem update –system.
- Install gems. To install a gem (Ruby package), run: gem install
- List installed gems. gem list.
- Update installed gems. To update all gems or a particular gem: gem update []
- Remove old gem versions.
Should you use sudo with gem install?
For the uninitiated, from the documentation: RVM is a command line tool which allows us to easily install, manage and work with multiple ruby environments and sets of gems. The reason why installing gems with sudo is worse than just gem install is because it installs the gems for ALL USERS as root .
Should I sudo gem install?
What is so dangerous about using sudo to install gems? Well, gems can run code during installation, so if you think that using sudo gem install is a normal, perfectly fine thing to do, then you might use it to inadvertently install a malicious gem that could potentially wipe out your entire hard drive.
How to install RubyGems gems on a computer?
Downloading and installing gems 1 Install the gems on an internet-connected computer to a temporary directory. 2 RubyGems has downloaded all the .gem files and placed them in gems/cache. 3 Install the gems on the destination machine from the local files: $ cd /path/to/USB_drive/gems $ gem install –force –local *.gem
Where do I install Ruby in my home?
If you want to install it to your user home, as per rubygems: When you use the –user-install option, RubyGems will install the gems to a directory inside your home directory, something like ~/.gem/ruby/1.9.1. The commands provided by the gems you installed will end up in ~/.gem/ruby/1.9.1/bin.
How to install a gem in a local directory?
gem install –local path/to/gem/filename.gem If you want to install it to your user home, as per rubygems: When you use the –user-install option, RubyGems will install the gems to a directory inside your home directory, something like ~/.gem/ruby/1.9.1. The commands provided by the gems you installed will end up in ~/.gem/ruby/1.9.1/bin.
How to specify a local gem in a Rails project?
In order to use local gem repository in a Rails project, follow the steps below: Check if your gem folder is a git repository (the command is executed in the gem folder) git rev-parse –is-inside-work-tree. Getting repository path (the command is executed in the gem folder) git rev-parse –show-toplevel.