When should I worry about blood clots after a D&C?

Seek urgent medical advice from your doctor or emergency department if you experience any of the following: heavy bleeding that requires changing of your sanitary pad every 10 to 20 minutes. passing large blood clots (larger than a 50 cent piece) or pieces of pregnancy tissue. a fever (high temperature) or chills.

How much bleeding is too much after D&C?

Bleeding may be light or heavy; you should not soak more than 2 maxi-pads an hour for 2 or more hours in a row. Bleeding usually lasts about 2 to 4 weeks. You may not have bleeding for a few days right after your procedure, and then bleeding (as heavy as a period) may begin around the 3rd to 5th day.

When should I be concerned after D&C?

But be sure to contact your doctor if you have any of the following symptoms after a D&C: Heavy or prolonged bleeding or blood clots. Fever. Pain.

What discharge is normal after a D&C?

It is normal to have a brown discharge during the healing process for the first few weeks after surgery. If you experience severe pain, fever greater than 100.5°, nausea and vomiting, a greenish vaginal discharge with odor, or heavy bleeding (soaking a pad every hour), contact the office.

Are clots normal a week after D&C?

Expect to pass small clots of blood from your vagina for the first few days. You may have light vaginal bleeding for several weeks after the D&C. You will probably be able to go back to most of your normal activities in 1 or 2 days.

Can you hemorrhage after a D&C?

Conclusion: Hemorrhage is the most common complication of a curettage. Delayed blood loss after curettage can be caused by a pseudo-aneurysm. In literature there are mostly case reports of pseudo-aneurysms as a cause of a late postpartum haemorrhage after a caesarean section.

Is it normal to pass tissue after D&C?

Your Recovery For a dilation and curettage (D&C), your doctor uses a curved tool, called a curette, to gently scrape tissue from your uterus. After these procedures, you are likely to have a backache or cramps similar to menstrual cramps. Expect to pass small clots of blood from your vagina for the first few days.

Is it normal to pass tissue after a D&C?

Are small clots normal after D&C?

How long does it take for your cervix to close after a D&C?

Generally, it may take 2-3 days for complete recovery.

What to do about blood clots after a D & C?

I had horrible clots after my d&c. My dr gave me pills when I had it done that help my uterus contract. Within an hour of taking the pill the bleeding would slow and the clots were gone. Quoting Freespirit: ” That’s such a relief to hear!

Is it normal to have blood clots While not on your period?

It is not normal to have blood clots larger than a quarter while not on your period. You should consult your doctor anytime you have large clots outside of your period. The cause of the bleeding could be serious and should be investigated.

When to see a doctor about blood clots?

Speak to a healthcare professional if you have heavy menstrual bleeding between periods or you have clots larger than a quarter. 3 Menstrual bleeding is considered heavy if you change your tampon or menstrual pad every two hours or less for several hours. Physical and hormonal factors can impact your menstrual cycle and create a heavy flow.

When to page the Ob for blood clots?

When that happens it’s a lot of pain and blood but ultimately not dangerous UNLESS your blood loss is something of concern. I would encourage you to page the OB on call if it’s after hours and yours isn’t available.