When can you repot amaryllis?

Amaryllis plants bloom best when they grow in a container with little extra space (potbound). They require repotting only every 3 or 4 years. The best time to repot them is after they have gone through a dormant period.

What to do with waxed amaryllis after it blooms?

Waxed bulbs are a one-time shot. Throw them out when they have finished blooming. There is nothing left to grow.

How can I get my amaryllis to bloom again?


  1. Remove the Flowers and Stalks. Snip off the flowers as they fade and cut the stems to within an inch the bulb.
  2. Give It Sun. After the bulb flowers, it will produce several long, strappy leaves.
  3. Feed and Don’t Overwater.
  4. Let It Rest.
  5. Repot for a Second Appearance.

Do amaryllis like small pots?

The pot should be large enough that there is about a 1-inch clearance between the pot rim and the bulb. Clay or plastic pots may be used, but since an amaryllis in bloom can be somewhat top-heavy, clay pots provide a little more stability. You also can buy bulbs pre-planted in pots ready to grow.

Can I replant an amaryllis plant?

The right time for amaryllis repotting is actually at the beginning of its growth cycle, in early fall. You’ll know it’s ready to be repotted when the leaves have browned and crisped, and a little bit of fresh, green growth is emerging from the bulb. Now you can move it to another pot if you need to.

Will waxed amaryllis rebloom?

So while regular amaryllis bulbs can be saved and bloom again, those with waxed bulbs are one-season wonders.

How many times will a waxed amaryllis bloom?

Stunning red flowers will begin to bloom in four to six weeks — you can expect one or two flower stalks, each with up to four blooms.

When should I put amaryllis in the dark?

Timing Amaryllis Blooms for Christmas In late summer, bring your amaryllis inside and place it in a sunny spot. Stop watering and feeding. The leaves, flowers, and stems will begin to fade. Once they have yellowed, cut them off and move the plant to a cool, dark place with temperatures between 55-60 degrees.

Can I put my amaryllis outside?

Amaryllis bulbs are easy enough to grow indoors, and just as easy to grow in the garden, provided you live in a suitable region. They make great specimens outdoors. They perform well in beds, borders or containers outside. You can also scatter them throughout the landscape in naturalized areas.

What to do with the flowers on an Amaryllis plant?

When you notice the flowers becoming wilted and crispy, gently remove them from the stalk. Pro-Tip: You can use the amaryllis as cut flowers as well! Not only they are mesmerizingly colorful, but also tend to last longer in a vase!

When is the best time to plant Amaryllis?

Amaryllis Quick Tips: 1 Planting Period: October until the end of April. 2 Flowering Period : Late December until the end of June. 3 Flowering time is 7-10 weeks. 4 Larger bulbs produce more flowers. 5 Always store un-planted bulbs in a cool place between 40-50 deg. F.

How big of a pot do you need for an Amaryllis?

Also, the preferable pot size is 15 to 20 cm. The bulb needs a little bit of space, don’t suffocate it. Leave a couple of centimeters from each side of the pot, and on the bottom, as well. The bulb itself isn’t very big (about the size of a large onion), but amaryllis likes to be crowded with other amaryllis plants as well.

What are the names of the different types of Amaryllis?

Among hundreds of different flower shades, let’s take a look at some of the most commonly seen types of amaryllis: red amaryllis, white amaryllis, amaryllis lily… For example, amaryllis red is considered to be one of the most dramatic shades. Aside from being considered a lucky color, it is also a symbol of beauty in China.