What would a nurse do if the narcotic count is incorrect?

Which action will the nurse take when it is determined that the narcotic count is incorrect while obtaining a medication from the narcotic area? Report the discrepancy to the charge nurse immediately.

What should you do if you discover a controlled substance discrepancy?

Every discrepancy should be recorded and then appropriately and thoroughly resolved. Furthermore, any patterns should be monitored. Even when the final counts are correct, repeated discrepancies may be indicative of diversion.

What happens when a narcotic is missing?

Most shortages or overages can be accounted for; however, when large amounts of a drug are missing, the owner or DM may want to notify the police and if the pharmacy belongs to a chain, the head office should be contacted as per pharmacy policy.

How do nurses dispose unused narcotic?

Safe disposal of unused or expired opioids All expired and unused medications should be removed from the home quickly to reduce the chance of misuse. The safest and most environmentally friendly way to dispose of unused prescriptions is through medication takeback programs.

What is a discrepancy in nursing?

Nurses experience role discrepancy, which refers to incompatibility between the roles nurses desire and expect to take, and the roles they actually engage in at work.

When is medication reconciliation considered complete?

This reconciliation is done to avoid medication errors such as omissions, duplications, dosing errors, or drug interactions. It should be done at every transition of care in which new medications are ordered or existing orders are rewritten.

What to do if you lose your controlled medication?

Upon discovery of a theft or significant loss of controlled substances, a pharmacy must report the loss in writing to the area Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) field office on DEA Form 106 (FIGURE 1) either electronically or manually within one business day.

How do I resolve discrepancies in Pyxis?

From the Home screen, select Discrepancies. Note: Depending upon your permissions, you may need to select More, then select Discrepancies. The Discrepancy Created screen shows a list of all discrepancies. Select the discrepancy you want to resolve and select Accept.

Who fills out DEA Form 106?

the pharmacy
This means that the pharmacy has to fill out the DEA Form 106 within 24 hours of the discovery of the loss. The pharmacy may have to provide the DEA with updated information as it uncovers the source or cause of the loss for up to 2 months after the initial report.

How do I report a forged prescription?

If you believe that you have a forged, altered, or counterfeited prescription—don’t dispense it—call your local police. If you believe that you have discovered a pattern of prescription abuses, contact your State Board of Pharmacy or your local DEA office.

What does a nurse do with leftover medication?

Ways of purchasing medicine Nearly half of pharmacy students (47.2%) and over half of nursing students (61.2%) threw away leftover medicines in household garbage, while 6.8% and 5.3%, respectively, flushed unused medicine down the sink or toilet.

What can I do with leftover painkillers?

If you cannot locate a give-back program, you may render the medication unusable, Dr. Epstein says. You can then crush the pills, mix them with coffee grounds or cat litter, and place them into the trash, he advises.

How does a nurse record a narcotic count?

Nurse (ideally 2 nurses) records drug on “narcotic accountability inventory check” (NAIC), places “proof of use sheet” in ledger and puts drug in locked box. To take a drug (the whole card not one dose) out of the locked box -remove card from box, pink out entry on NAIC and have 2 nurses initial.

What should you do during a narcotics count?

Narcotics counts should always be done without distractions—no chatting about other things, no residents or CNAs in the med room etc. while count is taking place—and expired or D/C’d C-2’s should be destroyed as soon as possible, preferably by the DNS and another manager.

What happens if you sign out of narcotics?

Thye also need to be reminded that the improper documentation/including the signing out of narcotics can lead to disciplinary action action up to and including revocation of their license.

How does the Q shift NARC count work?

For the q shift narc count the oncoming nurse counts narcs and the off going nurse has the ledger. After the count of the individual doses is done the oncoming nurse is to count the cards (our narcs come in the bubble packs) in the box and the off going nurse is to count the entries in the NAIC that are not pinked out.
