What were the responses to the Kashmir earthquake?

The response was based on a four-fold strategy, comprising search, rescue and relief, consequence management, recovery and rehabilitation and reconstruction.

What were the impacts of the Kashmir earthquake in 2005?

On 8 October 2005, a devastating magnitude-7.6 earthquake struck the Kashmir region in the Himalaya. It killed more than 80,000 people, injured more than 100,000, and left 3 million homeless. One of the worst natural disasters in South Asia, the earthquake caused thousands of landslides that buried entire villages.

How did the Kashmir earthquake affect the environment?

The earthquake affected more than 500,000 families. In addition, approximately 250,000 farm animals died due to collapse of stone barns, and more than 500,000 large animals required immediate shelter from the harsh winter.

What were the secondary effects of the Kashmir earthquake?

Secondary effects Buildings destroyed by fire when the gas mains fractured. 316000 people left homeless and refugees moved into temporary housing.

What happened in the Pakistan Earthquake 2005?

Over 86,000 people died, a similar number were injured, and millions were displaced. It is considered the deadliest earthquake to hit South Asia, surpassing the 1935 Quetta earthquake….2005 Kashmir earthquake.

Kabul Islamabad Lahore
Local date 2005-10-08
Local time 08:50 Pakistan Standard Time
Magnitude 7.6 Mw
Depth 15 km (9.3 mi)

What effects did the Kashmir earthquake cause?

At least 79,000 people were killed and more than 32,000 buildings collapsed in Kashmir, with additional fatalities and destruction reported in India and Afghanistan, making it one of the most destructive earthquakes of contemporary times.

When did the Kashmir Earthquake end?

The 2005 Kashmir earthquake occurred at 08:50:39 Pakistan Standard Time on 8 October in Pakistani-administered Azad Kashmir….2005 Kashmir earthquake.

Kabul Islamabad Lahore
Local date 2005-10-08
Local time 08:50 Pakistan Standard Time
Magnitude 7.6 Mw

How many buildings collapsed in the Kashmir earthquake?

32,000 buildings
At least 79,000 people were killed and more than 32,000 buildings collapsed in Kashmir, with additional fatalities and destruction reported in India and Afghanistan, making it one of the most destructive earthquakes of contemporary times.

Why earthquake of 2005 is called deadliest earthquake in the history of Pakistan?

K2 has an elevation of more than 28,250 feet. Kashmir is located at the juncture of the Eurasian and Indian tectonic plates—the collision of which caused the formation of the Himalaya Mountains—making it prone to intense seismic activity. The 2005 earthquake was among the worst to ever hit the region.

When was the earthquake in Kashmir in 2005?

(Note: Additional photos from the reconnaissance team can be viewed at www.eeri.org/google .) On October 8, 2005, at 8:50 a.m. local time, a magnitude Mw = 7.6 earthquake struck the Himalayan region of northern Pakistan and Kashmir.

How did the IRC respond to the 2005 earthquake in Pakistan?

A family in the Danna region of Pakistan collects water at a tapstand restored by the IRC after the October 2005 earthquake. Photo: Joanne Offer/IRC In the 12 months that followed, the IRC continued to be at the forefront of the efforts to rebuild the lives of the quake victims, providing emergency assistance to some 230,000 people.

What was the death toll of the 2005 earthquake in Pakistan?

The Pakistani government’s official death toll as of November 2005 stood at 87,350, although it is estimated that the death toll could reach over 100,000. Approximately 38,000 were injured and over 3.5 million rendered homeless.

How did the United States respond to the earthquake in Pakistan?

The United States responded immediately and generously to Pakistan’s call for assistance following the tragic and devastating earthquake of October 8. Our response has been consistent with our humanitarian values and our deep commitment to Pakistan.