What were the fête galante paintings?

Fête galante is a French term used to describe a type of painting which first came to prominence with Antoine Watteau, whose reception piece at the Academy of 1717, ‘The Embarkation for the Island of Cythera’, was described as representing ‘une fête galante’.

What does fête galante mean in English?

garden party
a garden party, picnic, or similar outdoor entertainment. Also: fête galante (fɛt ɡalɑ̃t) arts.

How is the fête galante defined and why was the term first created?

The term fêtes galantes was adopted by the French Academy in 1717 when Watteau handed in his reception piece to the Académie royale de peinture et de sculpture. It refers to a “courtship party,” such as a masquerade ball that borrowed from the commedia dell’arte.

What is the meaning of fête galante quizlet?

What is the meaning of fête galante? a type of outdoor entertainment for the aristocracy.

How do you pronounce Fete Galante?

noun, plural fêtes ga·lantes [fet ga-lahnt].

Which artist is considered the father of the rococo period?

The father of Rococo painting was Jean Antoine Watteau (French, 1684–1721), who invented a new genre called fêtes galantes, which were scenes of courtship parties.

What type of animal is pictured in the bottom right hand corner of the swing?

There is a small dog shown barking in the lower right hand corner, in front of the older man. According to the memoirs of the dramatist Charles Collé, a courtier (homme de la cour) first asked Gabriel François Doyen to make this painting of him and his mistress.

What does the word fête mean in English?

noun, plural fetes. a day of celebration; holiday: The Fourth of July is a great American fete. a festive celebration or entertainment: The ball was the greatest fete of the season. a religious feast or festival: a fete lasting several days in honor of a saint.

What does Galante mean in Tagalog?

galante gallant chivalrous. maginoo conventional gent gallant gracious considerate gentlemanlike. mairugin devoted genial loving fond gallant sweet-tempered.

Which influence is evident in rococo paintings?

Beginnings of Rococo. In painting Rococo was primarily influenced by the Venetian School’s use of color, erotic subjects, and Arcadian landscapes, while the School of Fontainebleau was foundational to Rococo interior design.

Which features of this painting are characteristic of the rococo period of art?

Rococo style is characterized by elaborate ornamentation, asymmetrical values, pastel color palette, and curved or serpentine lines. Rococo art works often depict themes of love, classical myths, youth, and playfulness.

Who was Honore Fragonard?

Honoré Fragonard (13 June 1732 – 5 April 1799) was a French anatomist, now remembered primarily for his remarkable collection of écorchés (flayed figures) in the Musée Fragonard d’Alfort. Fragonard was born in Grasse as cousin to painter Jean-Honoré Fragonard.

What did Watteau mean by the term fete Galante?

“Fête galante is a French term used to describe a type of painting which first came to prominence with Antoine Watteau [pronounced Vateau], whose reception piece at the Academy of 1717, ‘The Embarkation for the Island of Cythera’, was described as representing ‘une fête galante’.

Who are the artists who painted Fetes galantes?

Pater, Lancret and many other artists followed Watteau in producing fêtes galantes, but did not imbue their paintings with the subtle depiction of human emotion he achieved.

What kind of painting did Jean Antoine Watteau paint?

It was as a painter of fetes galantes that Watteau was enrolled at the Academy; a new category was specially created for him. The painting he chose to submit for membership was entitled The Pilgrimage to Cythera (1717, Louvre, Paris). The painting has its origins in a scene from a contemporary play, Les Trois Cousines.

What was the setting of the Fetes galantes?

Fêtes galantes, usually small in scale, show groups of elegantly attired men and women, most often placed in a parkland setting and engaged in decorously amorous play.