What was the petition in Bloody Sunday 1905?

In January 1905, steelworkers in St Petersburg, led by Georgy Gapon, drafted a petition demanding improved conditions and some political reforms. The ‘Bloody Sunday’ petition sparked shootings of several hundred workers outside the Winter Palace: Sovereign!

What did Father gapon want?

(6) The demands made by Father George Gapon and the Assembly of Factory Workers. (1) An 8-hour day and freedom to organize trade unions. (2) Improved working conditions, free medical aid, higher wages for women workers. (3) Elections to be held for a constituent assembly by universal, equal and secret suffrage.

What happened to Father gapon after Bloody Sunday?

5 February] 1870 –10 April [O.S. 28 March] 1906) was a Russian Orthodox priest and a popular working-class leader before the 1905 Russian Revolution. After he was discovered to be a police informant, Gapon was murdered by members of the Socialist Revolutionary Party.

Did father gapon died in Bloody Sunday?

Gapon prudently retreated abroad, while a wave of protests and strikes across the country built up into a full-blown revolution which presently forced Nicholas II to issue the October Manifesto, promising to introduce democracy. Gapon returned and was murdered by a government agent.

What was Father Gapons petition?

Father Gapon organised a petition complaining about working conditions in the city and calling for change. It was signed by over 150 thousand people. On 22 January 1905, Father Gapon led a march to deliver a petition to the Tsar. Thousands of workers took part in this peaceful protest.

Who was Father Gapon ‘? Narrate the events leading to the Bloody Sunday incident and the 1905 revolution?

Father Gapon was the leader of the procession of workers who marched towards the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg. Events: (i) When this procession of workers reached the Winter Palace, it was attacked by the police. (ii) Over a hundred workers were killed and about three hundred wounded.

Who murdered Father Gapon?

Gapon was killed on March 28, 1906 at a cottage house in one of Saint Petersburg’s suburbs – Ozerki (now it’s a part of the city) by a group of assassins from the Socialist Revolutionary Party (SRs) under the leadership of Pinchas Rutenberg.

What was Bloody Sunday and who was Father Gapon?

In an attempt to quell economic discontent among the workers, Minister of the Interior Plehve had established a legal trade union in St Petersburg. Called the Assembly of Russian Factory and Mill Workers, it was led by a Russian Orthodox priest, Father Georgy Gapon.

Who attacked the procession led by Father Gapon as they reached the Winter Palace?

When the procession of workers led by Father Gapon reached the Winter Palace it was attacked by the police and the Cossacks. Over 100 workers were killed and about 300 wounded.

Who was Father gapon explain about Bloody Sunday?

Father Gapon was the leader of the procession of workers, who marched towards Winter Palace in St. Petersburg. The attack on this group of workers by police resulted in casualties known as the ‘Bloody Sunday’ incident which further led to the 1905 revolution.

Who was Father gapon Class 9 Ncert?

Father Gapon was the leader of the procession of workers, who marched towards the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg. Events: When this procession of workers reached the Winter Palace, it was attacked by the police.