What was rupee vs dollar in 1947?

The dollar-pound exchange rate then was $4.03 to the pound, which in effect gave a rupee-dollar rate in 1947 of around Rs 3.30.

What was the dollar rate in 2014?

What’s been the value of 1 USD to INR since 1947 till date?

2013 56.57
2014 62.33
2015 62.97
2016 66.46

What was the dollar exchange rate in 2005?

The magnitude of the numbers in the list does not indicate, by themselves, the strength or weakness of a particular currency. For example, the U.S. dollar could be rebased tomorrow so that 1 new dollar was worth 100 old dollars….Table for 2008 to 2018.

Currency Pound Sterling
Code GBP
2005 0.3508
2006 0.2525
2007 0.2008

What was the value of 1 rupee in 2005?

Value of Rupee over time (by year)

Period Value
2005 100
2006 105.57
2007 112.46
2008 118.66

How much was $100 in 1947?

Value of $100 from 1950 to 1947

Cumulative price change -7.47%
Converted amount ($100 base) $92.53
Price difference ($100 base) $-7.47
CPI in 1950 24.100
CPI in 1947 22.300

What was the value of a dollar in 1980?

Buying power of $100 in 1980

Initial value Equivalent value
$1 dollar in 1980 $3.10 dollars in 2019
$5 dollars in 1980 $15.51 dollars in 2019
$10 dollars in 1980 $31.03 dollars in 2019
$50 dollars in 1980 $155.13 dollars in 2019

What was the value of 1 rupee in 1998?

India inflation – Conversion table

Initial Value Equivalent value
$1 rupee in 1998 $4.25 rupees today
$5 rupees in 1998 $21.27 rupees today
$10 rupees in 1998 $42.54 rupees today
$50 rupees in 1998 $212.72 rupees today