What was Roosevelt Corollary in simple terms?

The Roosevelt Corollary was a United States foreign policy established by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1904. It stated that the U.S. would intervene in Latin American countries where European powers sought to collect debts or whose governments were thought to be unstable.

What did Roosevelt Corollary add to the Monroe Doctrine?

While the Monroe Doctrine said European countries should stay out of Latin America, the Roosevelt Corollary took this further to say the United States had the right to exercise military force in Latin American countries to keep European countries out.

What was the purpose of the Roosevelt Corollary quizlet?

The Roosevelt Corollary was a speech in which Roosevelt stated that European intervention in the Western Hemisphere was over. It let Latin American countries know that the U.S. would intervene to maintain peace and stability in the region.

What caused the Roosevelt Corollary?

Many Americans worried that European intervention in Latin America would undermine their country’s traditional dominance in the region. To keep other powers out and ensure financial solvency, President Theodore Roosevelt issued his corollary.

What did Roosevelt Corollary do?

The Roosevelt Corollary of December 1904 stated that the United States would intervene as a last resort to ensure that other nations in the Western Hemisphere fulfilled their obligations to international creditors, and did not violate the rights of the United States or invite “foreign aggression to the detriment of the …

What was a corollary to the Monroe Doctrine of 1823?

Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine, 1904. Although the Monroe Doctrine of 1823 was essentially passive (it asked that Europeans not increase their influence or recolonize any part of the Western Hemisphere), by the 20th century a more confident United States was willing to take on the role of regional policeman.

What was the corollary of the US intervention in Latin America?

The corollary states that the United States will intervene in conflicts between the European countries and Latin American countries to enforce legitimate claims of the European powers, rather than having the Europeans press their claims directly.

What did the corollary of World War 2 do?

Over the long term the corollary had little to do with relations between the Western Hemisphere and Europe, but it did serve as justification for U.S. intervention in Cuba, Nicaragua, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic.