What US Navy ships served in Vietnam?

Naval Warfare History | Vietnam Conflict

  • 1969. Armored Troop Carrier (ATC)
  • 1969. Assault Support Patrol Boat (ASPB) (Alpha Boat)
  • 1964. Command and Communications Boat (CCB)
  • 1941. Higgins Boat LCVP (Landing Craft, Vehicle, Personnel)
  • 1967. HMAS Brisbane (D41)
  • 1959. HMAS Vampire (D11)
  • 1966. PACV / ACV (Pac-Vee / Monster)
  • 1962.

What is a blue water ship?

The deep offshore waters are often referred to as “blue waters” and naval vessels operating on them are referred to as the Blue Water Navy. Ships in this category entered Vietnam’s inland waterways temporarily as part of their gunfire, interdiction, or support missions.

Was the USS Midway exposed to Agent Orange?

Deck logs, however, do not document that the USS Midway docked, transited the inland waterways or that the ship’s personnel stepped foot in the Republic of Vietnam. As such, Agent Orange exposure has not been established.

Was the USS Enterprise exposed to Agent Orange?

Although the veteran testified that he was exposed to Agent Orange while serving on the USS ENTERPRISE, there is no evidence documenting any such exposure.

Is the Royal Navy a blue water navy?

The Royal Navy is considered to be a blue-water navy by naval experts and academics. This position is likely to be further cemented with the introduction of two new Queen Elizabeth-class aircraft carriers, eighteen new frigates (8 Type 26, 5 Type 31, and 5 Type 32).

Is Bon Homme Richard on the Agent Orange list?

The Board acknowledges that the USS Bon Homme Richard was in the official waters of Vietnam while the Veteran was serving onboard. Since the Veteran did not serve in Vietnam during the requisite period of time, he is not presumed to have been exposed to Agent Orange or other herbicides.

Did the Navy use Agent Orange?

Navy and Coast Guard Ships Associated with Service in Vietnam and Agent Orange Exposure. VA has established a list of Navy and Coast Guard ships that it acknowledges have been exposed to Agent Orange during the Vietnam War.

Which ships qualify for Agent Orange?

Examples of such vessels include swift boats, river patrol boats, and LSTs (landing ship, tank). All veterans who served aboard these vessels are eligible for the presumption of exposure to Agent Orange.

What are the benefits of Agent Orange?

Benefits include compensation and health care benefits. Surviving spouses, dependent children and dependent parents of Veterans who were exposed to Agent Orange and died as the result of diseases related to Agent Orange exposure may be eligible for a monthly payment called Dependency and Indemnity Compensation.

What is the abbreviation for Agent Orange?

What is the abbreviation for Agent Orange? The abbreviation for Agent Orange is AO

What is Agent Orange exposure?

AGENT ORANGE EXPOSURE. What is Agent Orange? “Agent Orange” refers to a mix of tactical herbicides the U.S. military sprayed in the jungles of Vietnam and around the Korean demilitarized zone to remove trees and dense tropical foliage that provided enemy cover.