What time of year is best for planting sod?

You can lay sod anytime during the growing season, although spring and early autumn are best—cool temperatures combined with occasional rain help sod quickly root.

Is it cheaper to plant grass or sod?

Sod – Simply put, sod is the most expensive option because you are essentially paying someone else for time and materials of growing the grass. Seed – Financially, seeding is an appealing choice as the cost of even the best seed mix is still a lot cheaper than sod, so if budget is your driving factor, seed wins out.

How much does grass plant cost?

The average cost to seed a lawn ranges from $550 to $1,500, with most homeowners spending about $900 on lawn seeding a 5,000 sq. ft lawn with Kentucky bluegrass. However, projects can dip as low as $300 to plant clover grass on 1,000 sq.

Is it cheaper to sod or seed?

Seed will always be much cheaper due to the low amount of labor needed to cultivate it compared to sod. On average, seed can be installed for around $0.24 per square foot. On the other hand, sod costs an average of $1.29 per square foot, which is over 137% more expensive!

Can you lay sod over existing lawn?

Sod, though, can be applied directly over existing grass.” When the grass dies, it gives off nutrients that actually benefit the new sod above it. The main nutrient that the dead grass layer provides is nitrogen. Applying sod directly over grass is advantageous because it requires less work.

What should you not do when laying sod?

Laying Sod: A Few Rookie Mistakes to Avoid

  1. Overlapping Rolls. It might be tempting to overlap your rolls of sod for full coverage, but the end result will only be a lumpy, uneven lawn.
  2. Mowing the Lawn Too Soon.
  3. Forgetting to Roll.
  4. Failing to Prep Your Soil.
  5. Not Watering Your Sod.

Where is the cheapest place to buy sod?

Visit a sod farm for any large purchase. Most sod farms will sell their products directly to consumers. This is the least expensive way to buy sod, because it cuts out the garden center as middleman.

Where can you purchase grass sod?

Flats of sod can be purchased from most garden stores and nurseries, as well as some mail-order nurseries. You may have a better growing experience buying from a local nursery, as the nursery will sell sod for grass species that do well in your area and climate.

Where can I buy sod in Houston TX?

If you want to buy sod in Houston, you have lots of choices. You can buy sod at one of the garden centers or one of the big box stores. Likely, you won’t know where that sod came from or whether the grass supplier has a reputation for quality or not.

What is the best sod for partial shade?

St. Augustine is a good solution for a lawn that includes both full sun and full shade. Palmetto does well in partial or dappled shade. In north coastal climates, try Colonial bentgrass or tall fescue in partial shade and creeping red fescue or velvet bentgrass in full shade.