What the Bible Says About contention?

The scriptures say that “only by pride cometh contention” (Proverbs 13:10). If you care more about “winning an argument” or “being right,” a spirit of contention is almost certain to follow.

What does contentious mean in the Bible?

1 : likely to cause disagreement or argument a contentious issue. 2 : exhibiting an often perverse and wearisome tendency to quarrels and disputes a man of a most contentious nature.

Is contention a sin?

Yet contention is found among spiritual men—this according to Luke 22:24 (“A dispute arose among the disciples of Jesus about which of them was the greatest”). Therefore, contention is not a mortal sin.

What causes contention?

The Random House Dictionary defines it as, “heated dispute or controversy.” What causes contention? Causes can include money problems, frustrations, tiredness, differences of opinion, etc.

What Scripture talks about jealousy?

1. Proverbs 14:30; “A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones.” 2. Mark 7:21-22; “For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed the evil thoughts, fornications, thefts, murders, adulteries, deeds of coveting and wickedness, as well as deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride and foolishness.”

What does dissensions mean in the Bible?

strong disagreement; a contention or quarrel; discord. difference in sentiment or opinion; disagreement.

What does Revelling mean in the Bible?

Revelling, also spelled reveling, is defined as having a great time, or delighting in something.

What is dissensions in the Bible?

discord, strife, conflict, contention, dissension, variance mean a state or condition marked by a lack of agreement or harmony.

How do you stop contention?

The following methods can be used to reduce lock contention and increase overall throughput:

  1. Avoid situations in which many processes are attempting to perform updates or inserts on the same data page.
  2. Avoid transactions that include user interaction.
  3. Keep transactions that modify data as short as possible.

How do I stop being jealous in the Bible?

Here are 7 ways to free yourself from envy:

  1. Put your focus on God’s love for you. There are two things underneath our envy.
  2. Find Your Identity in Christ.
  3. Worship Helps You Overcome Envy.
  4. Know You Are Uniquely Made.
  5. Gratefulness Drives Envy Away.
  6. Celebrate the Blessings of Others.
  7. Giving To Others Frees You from Envy.