What should I buy for Lux support?

Lux Item Build

  • Sorcerer’s Shoes.
  • Luden’s Tempest.
  • Morellonomicon.
  • Horizon Focus.
  • Zhonya’s Hourglass.
  • Shard of True Ice.

Why is Lux a bad support?

lux is a high economy mage who drops off comparativly early in the game. primarily her kit isn’t bad for support, but given its mana costs and reliance on autoattacks to “burst” shes nowhere near optimal, and she builds VERY expensive items to stay relevent.

Is Lux a support or MID?

Mid Lux works because she have gold to buy items and do damage. Support Lux is trash because she has no gold to buy damage items, so she does no damage.

Is Lux good mid s11?

Changes that have taken place over the seasons have made Lux an extremely powerful supporting champion while remaining a good option in the mid lane. Specifically, in season 11, over 90 percent of Lux players will choose to play her as a support.

Is Lux better mid or support?

Is Lux a poke support?

Lux is a burst/artillery mage hybrid with strong poke potential in the early game, and strong AP scalings to burst targets in the late game. As a Support, Lux brings to the table exceptional harass and kill potential in lane, alongside very effective hard CC and a surprisingly powerful team shield. Lux is fun and easy.

Can Lux go ADC?

Lux. It’s quite well-known that Lux is one of the least-liked supports by AD Carries. At first, she may seem like a decent choice; she can deal damage to opponent laners with her E (Lucent Singularity) and occasionally bind them with her Q (Light Binding), giving her ADC a chance to score a kill.

Can Lux go bot?

Since bot is a duo lane, Lux is likely going to take poke damage from one of the enemy champions. Having a Health Potion to heal that off allows her to remain in lane to assist the ADC for longer before having to go back to base.