What muscles are involved in scapular protraction?

Protraction is accomplished by the actions of the serratus anterior, pectoralis major, and pectoralis minor muscles. Retraction is accomplished by the actions of the trapezius, rhomboids, and latissimus dorsi muscles. The elevation is accomplished by the trapezius, levator scapulae, and rhomboid muscles.

What movement of the scapula occurs during scapular protraction?

Scapular Abduction – Also called scapular flexion or protraction. A movement where the scapula moves laterally away from the spinal column.

What two muscles run from the scapula?

The deltoid and the supraspinatus, a muscle that runs along the scapula in the back, are the two main abductors of the shoulder.

What is scapula protraction?

Scapular Protraction is when the scapula moves laterally away from the spine.

Which muscles elevate the scapula quizlet?

Muscles that move the scapula

  • Trapezius – elevate, depress, adduct scapula.
  • Latissimus dorsi m. – adduct scapula.
  • Levator scapulae m. – elevate scapula.
  • Rhomboid minor – elevate and adduct scapula.
  • Rhomboid major – elevate and adduct scapula.
  • Serratus anterior m. –
  • Pectoralis minor m. –

What is protraction movement?

Protraction and retraction are anterior-posterior movements of the scapula or mandible. For the mandible, protraction occurs when the lower jaw is pushed forward, to stick out the chin, while retraction pulls the lower jaw backward.

What axis is scapular protraction?

The scapula moves around a dorso-ventral axis, resulting in a rotation in the frontal plane. In this movement the glenoid cavity is turned cranially (upward rotation) or caudally (downward rotation).

What muscle is above the scapula?

On the back, there are two muscles below the scapular spine, and one above it. The one above is supraspinatus. It arises from almost all of the supraspinous fossa. It passes under the acromion and inserts here, on the greater tubercle.

What muscles originate on the scapula?


Borders Superior, lateral and medial
Processes Coracoid, acromion
Muscles that originate from scapula Deltoid, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, triceps brachii (long head), teres minor, teres major, latissimus dorsi, coracobrachialis, biceps brachii, subscapularis, omohyoid muscles

Which muscle will elevate the scapula?

Levator scapulae helps to elevate the scapula. The rhomboids arise here, from the fourth cervical to the fifth thoracic vertebrae.

Which muscle elevates the scapula which muscle elevates the scapula?

levator scapulae muscle
The levator scapulae muscle originates from the transverse processes of the cervical vertebra and descends to attach to the superior (uppermost) and medial (near the midline) corner of the scapula. This muscle elevates the scapula.

Where does the protraction of the scapula take place?

During these movements, the scapula is stabilized by the muscles that attach to it and by the ligaments of the AC joint. The protraction and retraction of the scapula happens around a vertical axis passing through the lateral end of clavicle. They are limited by the conoid and trapezoid ligaments of the AC joint, respectively.

What are the effects of scapular protraction and shoulder abduction?

This study highlights that shoulder abduction performed with scapular protraction and in combination with scapular elevation leads to increased activity of the middle deltoid and upper trapezius, resulting in imbalances between the scapulothoracic muscles that could hamper the optimal scapulohumeral rhythm.

What are the muscles that rotate the scapula?

The muscles which provide for upward rotation of the scapula are your serratus anterior and the upper fibres of your trapezius. A real-life application of this movement would be to perform jumping jacks or reaching up to place a box high up on a shelf.

Where does the elevation of the scapula occur?

They are limited by the conoid and trapezoid ligaments of the AC joint, respectively. Elevation and depression of the scapula occur around the sagittal axis that passes through the center of the acromioclavicular joint.