What misdemeanors prohibit gun ownership in California?

The following misdemeanor convictions result in a lifetime prohibition: Inflicting corporal injury on a spouse or significant other (Pen. Code, § 273.5 for convictions on or after 1/1/2019, per Pen. Code, § 29805(b), and a “misdemeanor crime of domestic violence” (18 U.S.C., § 921(a)(33)(A), 922(g)(9).)

Can you get a gun with a misdemeanor in CA?

10-year ban – specified misdemeanors. Generally speaking, a misdemeanor conviction does not trigger a gun restriction. However, under California Penal Code 29805 PC, there are about 40 specific misdemeanor convictions that carry a ten-year firearms ban.

Can I buy a gun with a misdemeanor charge?

A misdemeanor drug charge should not hold you back from purchasing or owning a firearm. A Class A misdemeanor conviction for domestic violence bars an individual under federal law from possessing or owning a firearm.

Can you own a gun if you have an expunged felony in California?

An expungement or record sealing will NOT restore your firearm rights. You will need to wait the 10-years even if you have your conviction expunged or sealed. The only way this can be lifted is if you get a court order from a judge.

Is it hard to get CCW in California?

California currently issues CCW permits only to its residents. California has put itself as one of the hardest states to acquire a CCW permit. Unlike New York, California CCWs are to be renewed yearly and must have good causation as to why a person needs their CCW renewed.

Can you buy a gun if you’re on antidepressants?

Category of Mental Illness. According to federal law, individuals cannot buy a gun if a court or other authority has deemed them a “mental defective” or committed them involuntarily to a mental hospital.

How do you ask for a pardon from the governor in California?


  1. Submit a completed Pardon Application (2 pages) to the Governor’s Office.
  2. Submit a completed Notice of Intent to Apply for Clemency (1 page) to the district attorney(s) in the county or counties of the conviction(s) for the offense(s) for which you are requesting a pardon.