What methods can be used to extract oil from algae?

Oil Press or Mechanical Press The oil can be extracted from algae using a mechanical press, as seen in figure 1. This process—which forces the algal paste into a nozzle that removes oil and expels much drier biomass—can extract up to 70% of the algal oil, but generally requires a dry algae feedstock.

How is oil extracted from microalgae?

The Algal oil was separated from Algae biomass by filtration and weighted it by using electronic weight balance. The extracted oil was evaporated in a water bath to release hexane. All extraction was performed in triplicates for the different parameters solvent extraction process.

How do you extract microalgae?

Microalgal products can be extracted using two processes; dry and wet routes. The dry route involves either spray drying, drum drying, freeze drying, or sun drying prior to extraction. The wet route is a process where the harvested biomass is disrupted to release the intracellular products.

What was the unique solution to extraction from algae?

Solvent-Free Extraction Methods for Algal Biomass. As discussed earlier, in general, lipid extraction from algal biomass is typically carried out using organic solvents such as hexane, chloroform, petroleum ether, acetone, and methanol.

What is Folch method?

Definition. Folch’s extraction procedure is one of the most popular methods for isolating lipids from biolog- ical samples. It takes advantage of the biphasic solvent system consisting of chloroform/metha- nol/water in a volumetric ratio of 8:4:3 (v/v/v). Background. Folch’s method is one of the major contributions.

How is oil extracted from biomass?

process. Solvents are used for oil extraction and Soxhlet method is the most commonly used. In this method oil and fat from the solid algal biomass is extracted by repeated washing with organic solvents under reflux in a special glass apparatus called Soxhlet extractor.

What is the best way to extract oil?

Steam distillation is the most popular method to extract essential oils. During this process the botanicals are placed into a still and pressurized steam is forced through the plant material–imagine using a steaming basket on your stove. The hot steam forces open pockets of aromatic compounds.

Why is MTBE used in extraction?

MTBE is a more polar solvent compared to chloroform and has a substantial higher capacity for solubilizing water (1.4 %) without phase separation (Watanabe et al. 2007). This results in higher water content in the lipid-containing organic phase, which improves the extraction efficiency for acidic lipid classes.

What is the most effective method for oil extraction?

mechanical presses/expellers
The most traditional method of oil extraction is the use of mechanical presses/expellers. Mechanical expression is the forceful extraction of oil from the oleaginous material under applied pressure (hydraulic or screw presses).

Is there a way to extract lipids from microalgae?

Despite the routine use of laboratory-scale extraction protocols to determine microalgal lipid contents, the variables affecting lipid extraction from microalgal cells are not well understood and no method for industrial-scale extraction is currently established ( Halim et al., 2011 ).

How is microalgae used as an alternative to biodiesel?

Microalgae are currently considered to be one of the most romising alternative sources for biodiesel ( Sheehan et al., 1998 ). Since many microalgal strains can be cultivated on non-arable land in a saline water medium, their mass farming does not place additional strains on food production ( Widjaja et al., 2009 ).

Where are EPA and DHA found in microalgae?

A database for screening microalgae containing high contents of EPA and DHA was constructed. Among microalgae, EPA has been detected in the Chrysophyseae, Florideophyceae, Bacillariophyceae, Cryptophyceae and Chlorophyceae [ 48 ].

Can you extract DHA and EPA from fish oil?

Due to the large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids present in fish oil, the extraction and purification of EPA and DHA from fish oil is difficult to achieve. Microalgae grow rapidly under autotrophic, mixotrophic or heterotrophic conditions and have the potential to produce high yields of long-chain ω-3 fatty acids [ 6, 7 ].