What MDG has Zambia achieved?

UNITED Nations (UN) country coordinator Janet Rogan says Zambia has so far achieved two Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) out of the eight.

What are the five Millennium Development Goals?

MDG 1: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger.

  • MDG 2: Achieve universal primary education.
  • MDG 3: Promote gender equality and empower women.
  • MDG 4: Reduce child mortality.
  • MDG 5: Improve maternal health.
  • MDG 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases.
  • MDG 7: Ensure environmental sustainability.
  • What are the MDG goals that we have achieved?

    The millennium development goals have targeted eight key areas – poverty, education, gender equality, child mortality, maternal health, disease, the environment and global partnership.

    In what year does the MDG is supposed to be achieved?

    The United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are 8 goals that UN Member States have agreed to try to achieve by the year 2015.

    What was the third MDG Report for Zambia?

    Zambia’s third MDG progress report is once again a result of a collaborative effort between Government, Civil Society, Private Sector Organizations, Academia, Political Leaders, Zambia’s Cooperating Partners, MDG Task Force- under the leadership of the Ministry of Finance and National Planning and the UN Country Team (UNCT).

    How are the Millennium Development Goals being achieved in Zambia?

    It further shows that Zambia has the potential to achieve the MDG targets on extreme poverty, child mortality, malaria and other major diseases, and water and sanitation. Only one MDG target on ensuring environmental sustainability is unlikely to be achieved.

    What was the poverty level in Zambia in 2006?

    The statistics from the Living Conditions Monitoring Survey of 2006 indicate that poverty levels dropped to 64 percent in 2006 from 68 percent in 2004. The just released provisional highlights of the 2007 Zambia Demographic and Health Survey Results show an improvement in all the major health indicators.