What material does Barbara Hepworth use?

Hepworth used a variety of materials and methods throughout her career. Carving directly into wood and stone gave her the most satisfaction as a sculptor, although it is often by her large-scale, outdoor work in bronze that she is best known.

What is Barbara Hepworth known for?

Barbara Hepworth was a British sculptor, who was born in Wakefield, Yorkshire in 1903. She was a leading figure in the international art scene throughout a career spanning five decades.

How was pelagos made?

The form of Pelagos derives from the hollowing out of the middle of the wood to make two spiralling arms. This has been described in terms of the hole that characterised Hepworth’s earlier work having ‘mastered the interior and even broken it open’ (Hammacher, 1968).

Was Barbara Hepworth married?

Ben Nicholsonm. 1938–1951
John Skeapingm. 1925–1933
Barbara Hepworth/Spouse

What kind of sculptures did Barbara Hepworth make?

What inspired her work? Instead of making art that looked like people or things, Hepworth began to make sculptures and drawings using abstract shapes.

Who was pelagos?

Pelagos is a kyrian located in the Vestibule of Eternity in Bastion. He is Soulbound to Kleia and refers to her as his sky-sister. Kyrian Aspirants are able to choose a physical form that represents their true self. Pelagos presented as a woman in his mortal life but chose to be a man in the Shadowlands.

Who was Ben Nicholson married to?

Felicitas Voglerm. 1957–1977
Barbara Hepworthm. 1938–1951Winifred Nicholsonm. 1920–1938
Ben Nicholson/Spouse

How old is Barbara Hepworth?

72 years (1903–1975)
Barbara Hepworth/Age at death

Why did Barbara Hepworth make sculptures?

Instead of making art that looked like people or things, Hepworth began to make sculptures and drawings using abstract shapes. She was inspired by nature and the world around her. She remembered driving through the countryside with her family, and the shapes, bumps and ridges of the roads, hills and fields.

What features do the sculptures of Henry Moore and Barbara Hepworth have in common?

The student sculptures of both Moore and Hepworth followed the standard romantic Victorian style, and included natural forms, landscapes and figurative modelling of animals.

Is pelagos a dragon?

Pelagosa was one of the blue dragons charged with moving the Focusing Iris to a secure location. She was one of the smallest and youngest of the blues but had a gift for magic beyond her age.

How did Barbara Hepworth contribute to the phenomenology?

As early as 1943, then, Ramsden connected Hepworth’s work to proto-phenomenological ideas in which a body-mind dualism was rejected and the notion of perception ‘from within Nature’ was brought to the fore.

What is the dominant feature of Barbara Hepworth’s sculptures?

Its dominant feature is a hole in the center of the sculpture. For the first time, Hepworth’s work is concerned with a manifestation of absence rather than presence. The viewer becomes aware of the volume of empty space, and the powerful resonance this can create.

How did Barbara Hepworth come up with the piercing idea?

Hepworth’s idea of a pierced form was taken up immediately by Henry Moore, her friend and rival, and would inform the practice of both artists for years to come. Hepworth’s first “piercing” of a figurative sculpture of her own came after apparently misunderstanding the description in a review of Moore’s work.

What did Barbara Hepworth do for a living?

Barbara Hepworth distinguished herself as a world-recognized sculptor in a period where female artists were rare. She evolved her ideas and her work as an influential part of an ongoing conversation with many other important artists of her time, working crucially in areas of greater abstraction while creating three dimensional objects.