What is Xanthoprotein test?

Xanthoproteic test is used to detect amino acids containing an aromatic nucleus (tyrosine, tryptophan and phenylalanine) in a protein solution which gives yellow color nitro derivatives on heating with conc. HNO3. The aromatic benzene ring undergoes nitration to give yellow colored product.

What is the reaction involved in Xanthoproteic test?

The Xanthoproteic test uses a nitration reaction to determine the presence of proteins in a solution. When the sample is treated with a hot, concentrated nitric acid it reacts with aromatic amino acids such as phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan and forms a yellow colored product known as Xantho protein.

What is the positive result of Xanthoproteic test?

The xanthoproteic reaction is a method that can be used to detect a presence of protein soluble in a solution, using concentrated nitric acid. The test gives a positive result in amino acids carrying aromatic groups, especially in the presence of tyrosine.

How do you make Xanthoproteic reagent?


  1. Take 1ml test solution in dry test tube.
  2. Similarly, take 1ml distilled water in another test tube as control.
  3. Add 1ml of conc. HNO3 in all test tubes and mix well.
  4. Cool the solution under tap water.
  5. Now add 2ml of 40 % NaOH to all test tubes.
  6. Look for the color development.

Which is the confirmatory test for casein?

Isoelectric pH test: It is a confirmatory test for Casein.

How does Xanthoproteic test detect phenolic amino acids?

Xanthoproteic Test is used to distinguish amino acids with a phenyl ring, a phenol or an indole group from other amino acids. Xanthoprotein is a yellow acid substance formed by the action of hot nitric acid on albuminous or protein matter and is changed to a deep orange-yellow colour by the addition of ammonia.

Is gelatin positive in Xanthoproteic test?

2- Mix well and put in a boiling water bath for few minutes; a black deposit is formed with albumin and gelatin gives negative result. 2- Xanthoproteic acid test: This test is used to differentiate between aromatic amino acids which give positive results and other amino acids.

Does phenylalanine give Xanthoproteic test?

The xanthoproteic test is specific for aromatic compounds such as tyrosine, tryptophan and phenylalanine.

How do you test for casein allergy?

How is a casein allergy diagnosed?

  1. stool tests to check for digestive problems.
  2. blood tests to check for underlying health issues.
  3. a skin prick allergy test in which your child’s skin is pricked with a needle containing a small amount of casein to see if a reaction occurs.

What is the color of casein solution?

Cooling, Tempering, Milling, Sifting, Blending and Packing

Acid casein Rennet casein
Physical properties
Colour Creamy white Creamy white
Flavour Bland, clean Bland, clean
Solubility in water Insoluble Insoluble

What is the result of The xanthoproteic reaction?

When the strong basic solution is added the colour of obtained products turns darker (from yellow to orange). The positive result of xanthoproteic reaction gives: tyrosine, tryptophan and phenylalanine (only after extended heating time). It is difficult to nitrate phenylalanine under normal conditions so it does not respond to this test without

What kind of results can you get from xanthoproteic test?

The test gives a positive result for amino acids containing benzene rings or other aromatic groups. The test is a qualitative test that provides information only on the presence or absence of the amino acids. Objectives of Xanthoproteic Test To detect the presence of aromatic groups-containing amino acids like tyrosine and tryptophan.

How is xanthoproteic used to detect aromatic amino acids?

Detection of aromatic amino acids Yellowish substance produced by heating protein with nitric acid is xanthoprotein, hence the name xanthoproteic for the test. This test is performed to identify the amino acid having benzene ring in them like tyrosine, tryptophan, and phenylalanine.

What are the signs of the xantoprotein protein recognition reaction?

The main sign of the xantoprotein protein recognition reaction is the presence of a benzene ring or heterocycle in the amino acid molecule. Of the protein amino carboxylic acids, two aromatic acids are distinguished, in which there is a phenyl group (in phenylalanine) and a hydroxyphenyl radical (in tyrosine).