What is vivianite used for?

Vivianite is a very special stone that will help bring peace and serenity into your life by removing all sorts of negative energy from your surroundings. By making use of its unique energy you will be able to clear your mind of all doubts and negative thoughts so that you can think clearly.

What color is vivianite?

Pure fresh vivianite from big broken specimens is colorless, but the mineral oxidizes very easily, changing the color, and it is usually found as deep blue to deep bluish green.

What is the hardness of vivianite?

Vivianite Information

Data Value
Colors Colorless (fresh); darkens to shades of green and blue, then dark green, dark bluish green, dark purplish, bluish black.
Fracture Fibrous
Hardness 1.5-2
Cleavage Perfect 1 direction

How is vivianite formed?

It is formed when anaerobic digestion releases phosphate and changes ferric iron to ferrous iron, then the ferrous iron precipitates with sulfide and phosphate to form vivianite. In its initial formation, vivianite starts out in a colorless form but ends up as deep blue to deep blue-green or blue-gray crystals.

Is Vivianite a rare mineral?

Vivianite, named after the English mineralogist F. G. Vivian, is a rare mineral of secondary origin associated with pyrite in copper and tin veins, and is a hydrated iron phosphate of a blue to green color.

What does Chalcanthite look like?

The name Chalcanthite is from the Greek word chalkos and anthos, which means copper flower. It describes the curved and flowering formations of the stone. This stone comes in dark blue, light blue, green blue, and green colors. It can also be colorless to pale blue under transmitted light.

What type of rock is Vivianite?

Phosphate mineral

Category Phosphate mineral Vivianite group
Formula (repeating unit) Fe 2+ Fe 2+ 2(PO 4) 2ยท8H 2O
Strunz classification 8.CE.40 (10 ed) 7/C.13-40 (8 ed)
Dana classification

Is Vivianite a mineral?

Vivianite is a light-sensitive mineral and darkens from colourless to dark green-blue or black on exposure to light, this colour change and continued exposure to light may cause disintegration in larger crystals. In both instances the mineral has formed in superficial deposits containing organic matter.

Where does Vivianite come from?

Vivianite is an iron phosphate mineral that was found in Cornwall, U.K. Named after the late John Henry Vivian, who had discovered it in 1817.

How do you clean Vivianite?

If the thin film is iron oxides, then a short (couple minutes) bath in sodium dithionite solution (otherwise compounded as “Iron Out”, or “Waller solution”) will clean it. If it’s something other than Fe oxides, there’s really nothing you can do that wouldn’t damage the vivianite too.

How is chalcanthite toxic?

The brilliant blue Chalcanthite is a hydrated water-soluble copper sulfate. The water solubility of this mineral can easily lead to copper poisoning of an environment and is toxic to humans.

Is chalcanthite rare?

Natural Chalcanthite crystals are very rare in nature. Well-formed crystals are easily grown synthetically from copper sulfate solutions.

What does vivianite do to the human body?

Physically, Vivianite can help in the healing of the body as well. It helps the healing of the eyes, especially if one has cataracts or pink eye. Vivianite also helps strengthen the bones and is recommend for anyone showing signs of senility. Vivianite works well with other heart strengthening stones.

Why do you need a vivianite crystal in your healing room?

This crystal is also known to aid the healer to heal, especially if you are suffering from burnout from working too long or too hard. This is another good reason to keep a piece in your healing room.

What can you do with a vivianite stone?

You can also use Vivianite if you want to do astral traveling during your meditations as this stone is great with linking you up with the divine realm. You can also use the healing energies of Vivianite to help heal yourself from the inside out, in order to relieve yourself of any physical or emotional baggage.

How did the mineral vivianite get its name?

Vivianite is an iron phosphate mineral that was found in Cornwall, U.K. Named after the late John Henry Vivian, who had discovered it in 1817. Vivianite has been seen in stone and crystal form, and has been noted to be a variety of colors such as blue, green, and sometimes even colorless.