What is VItA 49 standard?

VItA 49 is a packet-based protocol to con- vey digitized signal data and metadata (or context data) per- taining to different reference points within a radio receiver. this standard allows all information about the spectrum as seen by a radio at its antenna to be described, stored, and transported to other systems.

What are context packets?

The Context packets provide a standardized language for relaying sensor attributes, such as frequency, bandwidth, gain, absolute power, relative power, internal signal delays, sampling rate, discrete events, GPS location, and inertial navigation.

What is VITA49 2?

Innovations in data converter technology, DSP devices, system interconnects, processors, software, design tools, and packaging techniques have improved performance levels and reduced the size, weight, and power consumption of software radio systems. …

How is Vita 49vita radio transport ( VRT ) funded?

VITA 49VITA Radio Transport (VRT)A Spectrum Language for Software Defined Radios 9-Sept-2014 This work is funded by Office of Naval Research Code 312 Presenter: Robert Normoyle, JHU/APL

What is the purpose of the Vita 49 protocol?

VITA 49 emerged as a packet-based protocol at the RF-digital interface of software-defined radios. The VITA 49 metadata allows all information about the spectrum as seen by a radio at its antenna to be described, stored, and transported to other systems.

Which is radio description language does Vita 49 use?

VItA 49 is identified as a hierarchical radio description language that is a new paradigm for radio architectures. Velcro architecture. … Block diagram of a software-defined radio transceiver.

What are the use cases for Vita 49?

VITA 49 Overview and Enhancement Recommendations VITA 49 Use Cases DISTRIBUTION A:Approved for public release Enhancing the Open Architecture Process DISTRIBUTION A:Approved for public release Interoperable Framework:Enabler for Real-Time Control of the EMS Spectrum operations without a spectrum language Spectrum language: